Availability of the Fiscal 2019 Universal Registration Document
REGULATED INFORMATIONAvailability of the Fiscal 2019 Universal Registration DocumentIssy-les-Moulineaux, November 21, 2019 – Sodexo’s Fiscal 2019 Universal Registration Document was filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) on November 20, 2019.
In accordance with applicable regulations, it is available on Sodexo’s website (www.sodexo.com > Finance > Regulated information) and on the AMF’s website (www.amf-france.org).This Universal Registration Document includes, in particular:The statutory financial statements of Sodexo S.A. for Fiscal 2019;The consolidated financial statements of the Group for Fiscal 2019;The related auditors’ reports on the statutory and the consolidated financial statements;The 2018-2019 management report including the declaration on extra-financial performance;The Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance;Information regarding internal control and risk management;The presentation of the resolutions as well as the resolutions submitted to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of 21 January 2020;Information on the fees paid to the Statutory Auditors; andInformation on the share buyback programme.About Sodexo