Artefact : €21m raised in debt redeemable at maturity with leading investors

Press release
Paris, 3 December 2020
5.45 pm CEST
€21m raised in debt redeemable at maturity with leading investorsArtefact (FR0000079683 – ALATF – eligible for PEA-PME) announces it has raised 21 million euros in debt redeemable at maturity with Tikehau Capital and Bpifrance, existing lenders, and Eiffel Investment Group.This financing, which has been obtained on competitive terms, takes the form of a unique line of debt, redeemable at a 6-year maturity, under which terms only interests are payable on a quarterly basis until maturity. Principal is to be repaid in full at maturity, at the end of 2026.With this operation, the Group’s long-term debt amounts to 27 million euros, exclusively comprising the present financing, as well as the State-guaranteed loan (PGE) obtained during the first half for 6 million euros.This financing allows Artefact to refinance the entirety of its long-term debt and benefit from 10 million euros in additional cash to support its offensive development strategy. It forms part of the performance path to which the Group is now committed.Guillaume de Roquemaurel and Vincent Luciani, co-CEOs, comment: “We’re starting to reap the benefits of the strength of our model, in terms of both growth and the improvement of operating results. It thus makes sense to reinforce our financial structure now to support this strong development dynamic. Emerging strengthened from an unparalleled crisis, this financing will enable us to go on the offensive on our existing markets but also to explore new high-potential territories. In that respect, we stand ready to accelerate with a reasserted ambition to establish ourselves among the international leaders of data marketing.”“We have supported the Artefact Group for several years. The transformation carried out during these years has been impressive, whether in terms of offering, innovation, human and commercial organisation. So we are thrilled to answer the call today as the Group takes a new step forward to reap the rewards of the work done.”, confirm Nathalie Bleunven, Head of Corporate Lending at Tikehau Capital and Valérie de la Ménardière, Investment Director at Bpifrance.Financial calendar (after close):
Thursday 28 January 2021
FY2020 Gross MarginEND