ArcAroma AB: 210319 ArcAroma starts the development of the next generation of CEPT®-systems
“With the new Generator System 7, we will be able to address markets such as very high volume producers of juice and also high energy applications such as the dairy industry. The new platform will also help to extend the capacity of OptiDry and other OptiFreeze applications. The current Generator System 6 fits well in its current segment and will continue to be sold. We believe the new generator system will open up completely new markets for us, and accelerate the growth of ArcAroma”, says Johan Möllerström CEO ArcAroma AB.The new Generator CEPT®7 will be using a newly developed High Voltage Architecture (patent pending), catering to customer segments in need of a more intense treatment or very high capacity. The generator will also have improvements to increase the usability, efficiency and scalability.For more information, please contact:
Johan Möllerström, CEO
(+46) 768 – 86 81 78
johan.mollerstrom@arcaroma.comAbout ArcAroma AB (publ)
ArcAroma has developed a patented technology that controls and applies electrical pulses to optimize various biological processes. The CEPT® platform, which is a high-voltage generator combined with a treatment chamber, uses the technology within FoodTech for increased extraction from the raw material and extended shelf-life and increased quality of the final product. Within CleanTech, the CEPT® platform is used for sewage sludge treatment and biogas production. The platform uses short-term high-voltage pulses (PEF) that crush the cell membrane and eliminate unwanted microorganisms.
Our vision is to contribute to a sustainable world by offering efficient green cutting-edge technology that is easy to use in the areas of FoodTech and CleanTech.ArcAroma’s shares are listed on NASDAQ First North Premier Growth Market. Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and is available at 08-463 80 00 or