Annual general meeting of Realkredit Danmark A/S

Company Announcement No 10/2021
Annual general meeting of Realkredit Danmark A/SSubmission of the annual report for adoptionProposal for discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of their liabilitiesProposal for allocation of profits or cover of losses according to the adopted Annual ReportElection of members for the Board of DirectorsApproval of the RD Remuneration Policy 2021Appointment of state-authorised public accountants. The Board of directors recommends renewal of Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as elected auditors in line with the recommendation from the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee have been free from influence by a third party and no clause which restricts the choice of the General Meeting of shareholders to certain categories or lists of statutory auditors or audit firms has been imposed upon it.Any other proposals or issues brought forward by the Board of Directors or shareholders
The Executive Board
For further information, please contact Henrik Blavnsfeldt, Senior Vice President, on +45 45 13 20 76.AttachmentNr. 10_Ordinaer generalforsamling i RD – 3. marts 2021_uk