Announcement from extra general meeting in TerraNet

The extra general meeting of TerraNet Holding AB (“TerraNet” or “the Company“) was held September 4, 2020 and the following resolutions were passed by the meeting.
Election of the board of directors and fees to the directors
The extra general meeting resolved that the board of directors shall consist of six directors without any deputies.The general meeting further resolved that the fees to the board of directors shall amount to SEK 200,000 on a full-year basis to Göran Janson and SEK 100,000 on a full-year basis to Christian Rasmusson, which corresponds to the same fees which was resolved at the annual general meeting on 15 May 2020 (i.e., SEK 200,000 to the chairman of the board and SEK 100,000 to each of the directors). The fees to the board of directors amount to a total of SEK 700,000.The extra general meeting further resolved to elect Göran Janson and Christian Rasmusson as new directors. It was further resolved to elect Göran Janson as the new chairman of the board.Lars Novak, Michel Roig, Karolina Bjurehed and Arne Hansson remain as directors. Anders Rantén and Claes Lachmann resign as directors.Information regarding Göran JanssonEducation and background
Göran Janson is a serial entrepreneur and advisor to management teams, boards and individual leaders, as well as founders and co-founders of numerous companies and foundations. Göran Jansson has a master’s degree in engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.Göran Jansson has more than 40 years of experience in areas such as research and development, product management, marketing and sales, as well as executive management. In total, Göran Jansson has 30 years of experience in roles as CEO and CTO, board member and chairman.Active assignments
Göran Jansson has no active assignments in publicly traded or larger private companies.Date of Birth: 1956Nationality: SwedishShareholding in the Company, including related natural persons and entities: 0Göran Jansson is considered to be independent in relation to the Company, the Company’s management and its major shareholders.Information regarding Christian RasmussonEducation and background
LL.M., University of Lund, Sweden, 1988. Member of the Swedish Bar Association, 1994. Active as a lawyer in Malmö, Sweden.Active assignments
Christian Rasmusson has a number of board assignments in private companies, including several assignments as chairman of the board.Date of Birth: 1963Nationality: SwedishShareholding in the Company, including related natural persons and entities: 0Christian Rasmusson is considered to be independent in relation to the Company, the Company’s management and its major shareholders.Resolution regarding discharge from liability
The general meeting also resolved to grant discharge from liability in relation to the Company for the resigning directors Anders Rantén and Claes Lachmann for the period 20 May 2020 up to and including 4 September 2020.Principles for the Nomination Committee
The extra general meeting resolved to adopt principles for the appointment of a Nomination Committee in accordance with the proposal included in the notice.For further information about the newly elected directors and the above resolutions at the general meeting, please refer to the notice available on the Company’s website, further information, please contact:
Pär-Olof Johannesson, CEO
+ 46 70 332 32 62Mattias Larsson, CFO
+46 72 709 5601ABOUT TERRANET
TerraNet has a strategic focus in active safety and develops software for radio-based solutions, as well as three-dimensional image analysis for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles (AV). TerraNet is headquartered in Lund, Sweden with established sales and marketing agents in the United States and Germany. TerraNet Holding AB (publ) is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market.www.terranet.seAppointed Certified Adviser to TerraNet Holding AB is Mangold Fondkommission AB, 08-503 015 50,