American Addiction Centers Employees Celebrate More than 443,000 Days of Sobriety in New Recovery Month Campaign

BRENTWOOD, Tenn., Sept. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In honor of National Recovery Month, American Addiction Centers (AAC) is shining a light on its employees in recovery in its latest campaign, We Recover Together. Throughout the month, 25 AAC employees are sharing their personal recovery journeys on social media to provide hope to those struggling with addiction. At AAC, a sizable portion of the staff is in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol and combined they have more than 443,907 days in recovery and counting. The employees hold positions in various areas of the company, from executive leadership to the admission center and facility staff. In fact, AAC’s founder and chairman of the board, Michael Cartwright, is celebrating more than 26 years in recovery himself.
To learn about the campaign, visit part of the campaign, the employees also share the best part of recovery. Here are a few snippets from those responses.“The best part of recovery is my faith and using my addiction and recovery as a means to inspire others,” says Tim Stein. AAC’s VP of Human Capital.“The best part of my recovery is that feeling of uselessness and self-pity has disappeared,” says John Keyes, Community Relations Coordinator. “My whole attitude and outlook on life has changed.”“Freedom, serenity and the opportunity to give back what was given to me,” says Todd Garlington, Lead Therapist at AAC’s Greenhouse Treatment Center.At a time when overdose deaths are on the rise, American Addiction Centers is determined to remove any barriers that may prevent someone from seeking lifesaving treatment in the midst of COVID-19 and that includes stigma and shame. Through this campaign, AAC patients will know they are not alone in this fight and that there is joy in recovery.About American Addiction Centers
American Addiction Centers is a leading provider of inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment services. We treat clients who are struggling with drug addiction, alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental/behavioral health issues. We currently operate substance abuse treatment facilities located throughout the United States. These facilities are focused on delivering effective clinical care and treatment solutions. For more information, please find us at or call 866-244-1070 for help. We also offer several online resources for the public. Visit to learn more.Contact:Joy Sutton
Director of Corporate Communications