AKVA group ASA: Invitation – presentation of the Q3 2020 financial results – correction

AKVA group ASA hereby invites you to the presentation of the Q3 2020 financial results, which will take place as follows:Time: Friday 6 November 2020 at 10:00 CET
Place: Danske Bank, Bryggetorget 4, 0250 Oslo Limitations based on National guidelines from the Norwegian Directorate of Health relating to Covid-19 will apply, and to attend please register in advance to moln@danskebank.com. The event will also be webcasted live and a recorded version of the presentation will be available after the live stream is concluded.Link to webcast: https://channel.royalcast.com/webcast/hegnarmedia/20201106_2The presentation will be held in English and is open to all interested parties.Dated: 19 October 2020AKVA group ASAWeb: www.akvagroup.comCONTACTS:
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act