Air France-KLM Half Year Results



July 25, 2024

Operating result of €513 million with operating margin at 6.5%

impacted by unit cost and higher fuel price

  • Group capacity increased by 4.1% compared to last year with load factor at 88%
  • Group revenues at €7.9bn, up 4.3% compared to last year
  • Unit cost at +1.7% compared to 2023
  • Operating result at €513m, with operating margin at 6.5%, Olympic Games impact €40m
  • Half-Year Recurring adjusted operating free cash flow positive at €134m
  • Cash at hand at €9.6bn and Net debt/EBITDA ratio of 1.6x

Commenting on the results, Mr. Benjamin Smith, Group CEO, said:

“The second quarter of 2024 confirmed an increasingly challenging environment for aviation, with rising fuel prices and a continued pressure on costs. In this context, KLM and Transavia delivered a stable yet sluggish performance, while Air France was in addition impacted by exceptional events, including the negative effect of the Olympic Games in June.

The Group has already taken strong measures to adapt to this situation, including a hiring freeze and additional cost cuts. The Group is preserving its major investments to renew its fleet, which is a strategic lever to improve our financial and environmental performance.

Going forward, we will continue to execute our strategy and deploy our transformation plan.

Our business model is robust and resilient, and we remain confident in our ability to achieve our mid and long-term objectives, notably by leveraging our strong assets and unique competitive position.”

Q2 Unit revenue stable

  Second Quarter Half Year
  2024 change change
constant currency
2024 change change
constant currency
Group Passengers (thousands) 25,743 +4.4%   46,615 +5.2%  
Group Capacity (ASK m) 81,348 +4.1%   154,066 +4.3%  
Traffic (RPK m) 71,357 +4.1%   134,203 +4.5%  
Group Passenger load factor 87.7% 0.0pt   87.1% +0.2pt  
Passenger unit revenue per ASK (€ cts) 8.30 -0.2% +0.2% 7.90 +0.3% +1.0%

  Second quarter Half Year
  2024 change change
constant currency
2024 change change
constant currency
Revenues (€m) 7,949 +4.3% +4.6% 14,603 +4.7% +5.3%
EBITDA (€m) 1,170 -158 -122 1,345 -269 -206
Operating result (€m) 513 -220 -184 24 -402 -339
Operating margin (%) +6.5% -3.1pt -2.7pt +0.2% -2.9pt -2.5pt
Net income (€m) 165 -447   -314 -589  
Group unit revenue per ASK (€cts) 8.87 -0.8% -0.4% 8.49 -1.2% -0.6%
Group unit cost at constant fuel, constant currency and excluding ETS 8.24   +1.7% 8.47   +2.8%

  30 June 2024 31 Dec 2023
Operating Free cash flow (€m) -44 n.a.
Adj. recurring operating free cash flow* (€m) 134 n.a.
Net Debt (€m) 6,192 5,041
EBITDA trailing 12 months (€m) 3,940 4,208
Net Debt/EBITDA ratio 1.6x 1.2x

*IFRS Operating free cash flow corrected from the repayment of deferred social charges, pensions contributions and wage taxes granted during the Covid period and payment of lease debt and interests paid and received

Second Quarter 2024: Operating result at €513m

In the second quarter 2024, Air France-KLM welcomed 25.7 million passengers which is 4.4% above last year. As capacity increased by 4.1% and traffic grew by 4.1%, the load factor was stable compared to last year at 88%.

The Group passenger unit revenue per ASK was up +0.2% at constant currency compared to last year, despite less international inbound traffic to Paris as a consequence of the Olympic Games.

The operating result was €220 million below last year standing at €513 million and was mainly impacted by an increase of the ex-fuel unit costs (€109 million), an increase of unit fuel & ETS costs (€73 million) and a decrease of cargo unit revenues (€21 million).

The Group unit cost per ASK1 is up 1.7% versus last year which is slightly better than the outlook provided during the Q1 2024 results presentation (+2% year-over-year). This increase resulted mainly from higher salary cost due to collective labor agreements at Air France and KLM and a higher flight related cost due to airport tariff increases at Schiphol and in Paris. Operational disruption costs have been reduced compared to last year thanks to a stabilization of KLM operations.


The Group reported a positive cash flow before change in working capital and a positive working capital, although impacted by the payment of deferred pension, social charges and wages taxes inherited from the pandemic, and a net capex of €1.7 billion (full year outlook of net capex of €3 billion). As a consequence operating free cash flow for the first half year stood at -€44 million.

These deferrals correspond to the previously guided one time pension payment of €610 million by Air France in January 2024 to the Caisse des Retraites des Personnels Navigants (CRPN) as well as the social charges and wages taxes amounting to €120 million per quarter.

Recurring adjusted operating free cash flow excluding deferred social charges and wage taxes and including lease debt and net interest payment amounted to +€134 million.

In May, Air France-KLM has fully repaid the outstanding €48 million of the bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares due March 25, 2026 (the “OCEANE 2026”).

In the same month, the Group has successfully placed new bonds for a total nominal amount of €650 million with a 5-year maturity and a coupon of 4.625% under its €4.5 billion Medium Term Note Programme. The New Notes are rated BBB- by Fitch and BB+ by S&P. Strong investor demand, with an order book above €2.8 billion, covered the offering by a factor of c.4.3x.

€453 million of the proceeds were used to redeem partly the following bonds:

  • January 2025 (coupon 1.875%, €750m) for €235 million
  • July 2026 (coupon 3.875%, €500m) for €218 million

The cash at hand at the end of June amounted to €9.6 billion, a decrease of €0.9 billion versus the end of 2023 mainly due to the payment of deferred pension, social charges and wages taxes inherited from the pandemic. Net Debt / EBITDA ratio stood at 1.6x versus 1.2x at December 2023.

Post quarter, Air France-KLM and Air France announced the successful renegotiation of its Sustainability linked Revolving Credit Facilities, resulting in an increase in the number of banks from 16 to 17, an increase of the undrawn amount by €115 million to €1.4 billion, optimized financial conditions and extension of its maturity to July 2028.


Transition plan and trajectory

Since 2019, Air France-KLM has accelerated its environmental transition and has set ambitious sustainability performance targets to highlight its sustainability commitments. The Group’s ambition is to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30% by 2030 compared to 2019 (gCO2eq/RTK).

Sustainability key performance measures:

Fleet Renewal: Air France-KLM is committed to renewing its fleet with more fuel-efficient and less noisy aircraft. By the end of June 2024, 23% of its fleet was composed of new-generation aircraft, compared to 18% end of June 2023. The Group plans to increase this ratio up to 80% by 2030.

Compared to previous generation aircraft the A220 reduces CO2 emissions by 20%, the Airbus A320neo family by 15%, and the Airbus A350 by 25%.

Since the end of December 2023 the following new generation aircraft were phased in, five A350, three A320 Neo, five A321 Neo and four A220. In the same period the following old generation aircraft were phased out, one 737-800, two A319 and one CRJ-1000.

  30 June 2024 30 June 2023 Change
New generation fleet2 23% 18% +5pt

Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF): Air France-KLM became a co-investor in a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) financing fund, together with Airbus and six other companies.

This financing fund aims at accelerating the availability of SAF by investing mainly in technologically mature SAF-producing projects using for instance waste-based feedstocks.

Air France-KLM and its partners will have to possibility of entering into priority contracts to secure SAF offtakes from the various projects the fund will invest in.

Already the world’s first user of sustainable aviation fuel SAF in 2022 and 2023, Air France-KLM has set itself the target of incorporating at least 10% of SAF on all flights by 2030.

The Group adheres to a strict sourcing policy, committing to purchasing second generation SAF that do not compete with the human or animal food chain, are RSB or ISCC+ certified for their sustainability, and are not produced from palm oil. Compared to conventional fuel, Air France-KLM’s SAF achieve a CO₂ emissions reduction of up to 75% over the entire fuel lifecycle.

2024 outlook


The Group expects its capacity in Available Seat Kilometers for Air France-KLM Group including Transavia to increase by 4% in 2024 compared to 2023. (Previously +5% compared to 2023).

Unit cost3

Q3 unit cost development expected at +2% compared to last year.

For the full year 2024, the Group expects a unit cost +2% compared to 2023 (previously +1-2% compared to 2023) supported by the below action plan:

  • Accelerated transformation initiatives to further increase cost savings both at Group and airline level via simplification, reduce overhead and create further synergies
  • Hiring freeze of support staff (SG&A)
  • New fleet delivery to support unit cost development
  • Marketing cost cutting
  • 20% reduction of discretionary costs


Further optimizing full year 2024 net capex, expected to be below 3 billion euros. (Previously at 3 billion euros).

Business review

Network result



Second Quarter Half Year
2024 change change
constant currency
2024 change change
constant currency
Traffic revenues (€m) 6,363 +1.7%   11,759 +1.5%  
Total revenues (€m) 6,632 +1.6%   12,295 +1.5%  
Salaries and related costs (€m) -1,673 +7.6%   -3,278 +8.3%  
Aircraft fuel (€m) -1,591 +8.2%   -3,114 +0.4%  
Other operating expenses (€m) -2,422 +3.2%   -4,815 +7.0%  
EBITDA (€m) 946 -18.0%   1,088 -26.6%  
Depreciation & Amortization (€m) -501 +8.5%   -998 +6.3%  
Operating result (€m) 446 -247 -210 90 -452 -387
Operating margin (%) 6.7% -3.9 pt   0.7% -3.7 pt  

Compared to the second quarter 2023, total revenues increased by +1.6% to €6,632 million. The increase in revenues was driven by the passenger network while Cargo revenues declined year over year. The operating result stood at €446 million which was €247 million below last year due to an increase in salary costs, fuel and other operating expenses, however disruption cost decreased versus last year. Q2 2024 unit revenues for Air France were impacted in June by the Olympic Games in France.

Stable passenger network unit revenue

Passenger network


Second Quarter Half Year
2024 change change
constant currency
2024 change change
constant currency
Passengers (thousands) 19,097 +1.9%   35,762 +3.6%  
Capacity (ASK m) 68,541 +2.8%   132,805 +3.2%  
Traffic (RPK m) 59,873 +2.7%   115,218 +3.6%  
Load factor 87.4% -0.1pt   86.8% +0.3pt  
Total passenger revenues (€m) 6,080 +2.8% +3.2% 11,176 +3.3% +4.0%
Traffic passenger revenues (€m) 5,901 +2.3% +2.7% 10,855 +3.2% +3.9%
Unit revenue per ASK (€ cts) 8.61 -0.5% -0.1% 8.17 0.0% +0.7%

During the second quarter 2024 capacity in Available Seat Kilometers (ASK) was 2.8% higher than last year. Traffic growth (+2.7%) was close to the capacity growth and has led to a broadly stable load factor at 87.4%, while yield corrected for currency remained stable, resulting in an almost stable unit revenue per ASK.

During the second quarter we observed per region the following trends:

North Atlantic
Q2 capacity increased by +6% compared to last year although traffic was not fully following this trend resulting in a load factor reduction of 1.7 point at 88% while yield was broadly stable at -0.2%. Industry capacity grew double digit in the same period.

Latin America
Capacity was down -4.7% on the back of a high comparison basis while industry capacity is increasing. Load factor slightly increased and reached 90% while yield reduced by 2% compared to significant high yields last year.

Asia & Middle East
Capacity in the second quarter has substantially increased (+13.9%) versus 2023, driven by Asia while Middle East capacity reduced by a single digit percentage. Despite strong capacity growth, load factor expanded by almost 2 points compared to last year while yield reduced by 3%. Overall the area significantly contributed to the revenue growth of the Group.

Caribbean & Indian Ocean

The second quarter continued to show capacity reductions compared to 2023 (-6.5%) due to redeployment of the fleet to other long-haul areas. This lower capacity pushed the load factor 1.5 point up to 90% and yield improved by 5.7%.

Resilient performance despite the political situation in Sahel still impacting Air France. The Group’s capacity decreased 6% while unit revenues improved thanks to a yield increase of 4.6% above 2023 while the load factor was stable at 85%.

Short and Medium-haul
Industry capacity recovered mainly driven by low cost carriers competitors and put pressure on yields and volumes. The Group’s capacity increased by 2.4%, with different dynamics between Air France and KLM. The latter increased capacity year over year by 12% due to a lower base in 2023. Load factor and yield are almost stable compared to last year.

Cargo: Q2 Unit revenue down but June unit revenues above last year

Cargo business


Second Quarter Half Year
2024 change change
constant currency
2024 change change
constant currency
Tons (thousands) 218 +2.6%   435 +3.1%  
Capacity (ATK m) 3,567 +0.2%   7,017 +2.5%  
Traffic (RTK m) 1,627 +2.7%   3,249 +3.4%  
Load factor 45.6% +1.1pt   46.3% +0.4pt  
Total Cargo revenues (€m) 546 -10.0% -9.2% 1,108 -13.4% -12.4%
Traffic Cargo revenues (€m) 462 -5.2% -4.4% 903 -15.1% -14.2%
Unit revenue per ATK (€cts) 12.98 -5.2% -4.4% 12.88 -17.1% -16.2%

As indicated during the Q1 results presentation, the significant year-over-year unit revenue reductions are behind us in the Cargo activity. The Group experienced a limited unit revenue reduction of -4.4% compared to the second quarter last year. The beginning of the second quarter was still slightly impacted by the challenging implementation of a Cargo IT system including book away in April and May (Q2 impact: €15m), while June showed an unit revenue improvement of 3%. In particular Asia is performing well driven by e-commerce and the red sea disruption. In response to market dynamics, a part of the group’s full freighter capacity is being redeployed to Asia. Additionally, a block agreement was signed with China Cargo Airlines, marking a new step in cooperation and enhancing our presence in this major cargo market.

Transavia: Q2 Positive operating margin thanks to healthy unit revenue development



Second Quarter Half Year
2024 change 2024 change
Passengers (thousands) 6,646 +12.2% 10,853 +10.9%
Capacity (ASK m) 12,807 +12.1% 21,261 +11.7%
Traffic (RPK m) 11,484 +12.0% 18,985 +10.8%
Load factor 89.7% -0.1pt 89.3% -0.7pt
Unit revenue per ASK (€cts) 6.66 +4.5% 6.20 +6.4%
Unit cost per ASK (€cts) 6.46 +1.2% 6.86 +1.8%
Total Passenger revenues (€m) 843 +18.4% 1,305 +19.8%
Salaries and related costs (€m) -188 +12.6% -345 +15.7%
Aircraft fuel (€m) -219 +15.1% -370 +9.2%
Other operating expenses (€m) -334 +17.0% -585 +14.1%
EBITDA (€m) 102 +48.2% +6 nm
Depreciation & Amortization (in €m) -76 +9.5% -145 +30.0%
Operating result (€m) 26 +27 -139 +33
Operating margin (%) 3.1% +3.2pt -10.7% +5.1pt

Despite Transavia’s capacity increase in available seat kilometers of 12.1%, unit revenue increased by 4.5% while the load factor remained broadly stable. The implementation of the paid hand luggage initiative bore fruits and already brought more than €20 million revenues in the quarter and a further stabilization of the operations.
The operating result amounted to €26 million compared to break-even last year driven by higher revenues. Transavia France was impacted in June from the Olympic Games while Transavia Netherlands improved the operations compared to last year.

Maintenance business: Third party revenues continue to grow



Second Quarter Half Year
2024 Change 2024 Change
Total Revenues (€m) 1,202 +14.0% 2,425 +22.4%
Of which Third party revenues (€m) 471 +22.6% 1,001 +32.8%
External expenses (€m) -795 +17.1% -1,603 -26.4%
Salaries and related costs (€m) -296 +9.5% -591 +11.0%
EBITDA (€m) 111 +5.5% 232 +23.8%
Depreciation & Amortization (€m) -73 +24.8% -166 +32.2%
Operating result (€m) 37 -9 66 +4
Operating margin (%) 3.1% -1.3pt 2.7% -0.4pt

The maintenance segment continued its growth in the second quarter 2024. Total revenues increased by 14.0% compared with the same quarter last year while third party revenues increased by +22.6%, showing a strong recovery especially on the engine side.

During the second quarter, the supply chain disruptions were still strongly impacting the operations. AFI KLM E&M needed to loan parts and spare engines to be able to perform its customers’ maintenance support and to support the outsourced airframe maintenance activities.

The operating margin stood at 3.1%, which is 1.3 point lower than in 2023.

Post-quarter Air France and Airbus have signed the agreements to establish a joint venture for the provision on a worldwide basis of Airbus A350 component maintenance services (supply chain management, repairs, and creation of a worldwide pool of aircraft components).

The cooperation would take the form of a 50-50 joint venture between Air France and Airbus and involve the transfer of their A350 component support including aircraft components assets belonging to both partners into the joint venture’s pool. The implementation of this JV is in line with all compliance requirements and subject to the approval by all relevant authorities. The closing is therefore expected end 2024, or early 2025.

Q2 Revenue growth offset by cost increase

Air France Group

  Second Quarter Half Year
  2024 change 2024 change
Revenue (in €m) 4,802 +2.9% 8,834 +2.8%
Salaries and related costs (in €m) -1,385 +10.3% -2,626 +9.2%
Aircraft fuel (in €m) -1,072 +10.7% -2,057 +0.4%
Other operating expenses (in €m) -1,738 +8.6% -3,380 +9.8%
EBITDA (in €m) 607 -237 771 -287
Depreciation & Amortization (in €m) -412 +13.5% -825 +8.9%
Operating result* (in €m) 195 -286 -54 -355
Operating margin (%) 4.1% -6.3pt -0.6% -4.1pt

*Airlines 2023 results were still including Flying Blue figures, resulting in a negative impact in the change columns

Air France’s revenue increased by +2.9% driven by passenger revenues, although impacted in June (€40m) by the Olympic Games. The operating result stood at €195 million which was €286 million below last year, mainly due to a CLA salary increase, an increase in fuel price, an airport tariff increase in Paris and Flying Blue results included last year (presented separately since Q1 2024).

Impact of Olympic Games

The Group estimates a negative impact on its unit revenues in the third quarter from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games of €150m to €170m.

Steady Q2 Operating result thanks to stabilized operations

KLM Group



Second Quarter Half Year
2024 change 2024 change
Revenue (in €m) 3,268 +5.0% 6,003 +6.6%
Salaries and related costs (in €m) -964 +7.7% -1,963 +12.0%
Aircraft fuel (in €m) -739 +6.5% -1,428 +1.9%
Other operating expenses (in €m) -1,061 +2.7% -2,147 +11.8%
EBITDA (in €m) 504 +15 465 -93
Depreciation & Amortization (in €m) -244 5.2% -496 15.5%
Operating result* (in €m) 260 +3 -31 -160
Operating margin (%) 8.0% -0.3pt -0.5% -2.8pt

*Airlines 2023 results were still including Flying Blue figures, resulting in a negative impact in the change columns

KLM’s measures to stabilize the operations are bearing fruit. Second quarter revenues grew by +5.0% while the cost grew largely in line with the revenues. Customer compensation cost ended below last year. The operating margin stood broadly at the same level as last year at 8.0%.

Continued momentum for Flying Blue Miles

Flying Blue Miles



Second Quarter Half Year
2024 change 2024 change
Revenue (in €m) 208 n.a. 404 n.a.
Operating result (in €m) 54 n.a. 101 n.a.
Operating margin (%) 26.0% n.a. 25.0% n.a.

At the end of last year, Air France-KLM created a subsidiary, which holds the commercial partner contracts related to the joint Air France-KLM loyalty programme (“Flying Blue”), as well as the exclusive right to issue “Miles” for the airlines and their partners.

In the second quarter Flying Blue miles generated €208 millions of total revenue, including third party airline and non airline partners. The operating margin margin stood at 26.0%.

Flying Blue steadily attracts increasing numbers of Active Members, who engage with the program by Earning & Burning Miles

  • +9% of enrollments in H1 2024 vs. LY with continuous positive trend
  • Earn / Burn activity increased by 16% vs. 2023

Air France-KLM and Uber recently signed a new partnership which allows Flying Blue members to gain miles on all Uber rides in France and the Netherlands and also expanded its partnership with Revolut.

Nb: Sum of individual airline results does not add up to AF-KLM total due to intercompany eliminations at Group level.


The external auditors carried out limited review procedures. Their limited review report was issued following the Board meeting.

The results presentation is available at on July 25, 2024 from 8:15 am CET.

A conference call hosted by Mr. Smith (CEO) and Mr. Zaat (CFO) will be held on July 25, 2024 at 09.30 am CET.

To connect to the webcast, please use below link:

Investor Relations   Press Office
Michiel Klinkers Marouane Mami +33 1 41 56 56 00

Income statement

  Second Quarter First Semester
in € million 2024 2023 Variation 2024 2023 Variation
    restated *        
Revenues from ordinary activities 7,949 7,624         4        % 14,603 13,953         5        %
Aircraft fuel -1,811 -1,662         9        % -3,485 -3,442         1        %
Carbon emission -63 -50         26        % -125 -81         54        %
Chartering costs -124 -153         -19        % -247 -243         2        %
Landing fees and air routes charges -523 -506         3        % -976 -919         6        %
Catering -232 -207         12        % -434 -393         10        %
Handling charges and other operating costs -510 -468         9        % -974 -894         9        %
Aircraft maintenance costs -790 -597         32        % -1,598 -1,245         28        %
Commercial and distribution costs -275 -259         6        % -553 -516         7        %
Other external expenses -503 -458         10        % -993 -916         8        %
Salaries and related costs -2,351 -2,156         9        % -4,596 -4,164         10        %
Taxes other than income taxes -39 -38         3        % -96 -93         3        %
Capitalized production 361 253         43        % 728 534         36        %
Other income and expenses 81 5 nm 91 33         176        %
EBITDA 1,170 1,328         -12        % 1,345 1,614         -17        %
Amortization, depreciation and provisions -657 -595         10        % -1,321 -1,188         11        %
Income from current operations 513 733         -30        % 24 426         -94        %
Sales of aircraft equipment -4 23 nm 15 28         -46        %
Other non current income and expenses -116 17 nm -118 15 nm
Income from operating activities 393 773         -49        % -79 469 nm
Interests expenses -154 -138         12        % -314 -296         6        %
Income from cash & cash equivalent 78 59         32        % 170 108         57        %
Net cost of financial debt -76 -79         -4        % -144 -188         -23        %
Other financial income and expenses -103 -22 nm -213 14 nm
Income before tax 214 672         -68        % -436 295 nm
Income taxes -49 -61         -20        % 119 -21 nm
Net income of consolidated companies 165 611         -73        % -317 274 nm
Share of profits (losses) of associates 1 nm 3 1         200        %
Net Income for the period 165 612         -73        % -314 275 nm
Net income – Non controlling interests 44 8 nm 86 15 nm
Net income – Group part 121 604         -80        % -400 260 nm

Consolidated balance sheet

Assets June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023
(in € million)    
Goodwill 225 224
Intangible assets 1,129 1,128
Flight equipment 12,197 11,501
Other property, plant and equipment 1,456 1,431
Right-of-use assets 6,479 5,956
Investments in equity associates 134 129
Pension assets 75 45
Other non-current financial assets 1,232 1,262
Non-current derivatives financial assets 191 148
Deferred tax assets 813 698
Other non-current assets 116 153
Total non-current assets 24,047 22,675
Other current financial assets 1,181 1,292
Current derivatives financial assets 231 122
Inventories 916 853
Trade receivables 2,510 2,152
Other current assets 1,452 1,120
Cash and cash equivalents 5,288 6,194
Assets held for sale 76 82
Total current assets 11,654 11,815
Total assets         35,701                 34,490        

Liabilities and equity June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023
(in € million)    
Issued capital         263                 263        
Additional paid-in capital         7,560                 7,560        
Treasury shares         -25                 -25        
Perpetual         1,051                 1,076        
Reserves and retained earnings         -11,149                 -10,925        
Equity attributable to equity holders of Air France-KLM         -2,300                 -2,051        
Perpetual         2,607                 2,524        
Reserves and retained earnings         30                 27        
Equity attributable Non-controlling interests         2,637                 2,551        
Total equity         337                 500        
Pension provisions         1,674                 1,685        
Non-current return obligation liability and other provisions         4,030                 3,805        
Non-current financial liabilities         7,027                 7,538        
Non-current lease debt         4,042                 3,581        
Non-current derivatives financial liabilities         13                 56        
Deferred tax liabilities         3                 —        
Other non-current liabilities 1,174 1,376
Total non-current liabilities 17,963 18,041
Current return obligation liability and other provisions         1,184                 1,079        
Current financial liabilities         1,761                 1,664        
Current lease debt         879                 848        
Current derivatives financial liabilities         51                 139        
Trade payables         2,598                 2,447        
Deferred revenue on ticket sales         5,524                 3,858        
Frequent flyer programs         887                 899        
Other current liabilities         4,507                 5,002        
Bank overdrafts 10 13
Total current liabilities 17,401 15,949
Total equity and liabilities         35,701                 34,490        

Statement of Consolidated Cash Flows from January 1 until June 30

Period from January 1 to June 30 2024 2023
(in € million)   restated*
Net income         (314)         275        
Amortization, depreciation and operating provisions         1,321                 1,188        
Financial provisions         141                 100        
Cost of net debt         144                 188        
Loss (gain) on disposals of tangible and intangible assets         -21                 -49        
Loss (gain) on disposals of subsidiaries and associates         -2                 –        
Derivatives – non monetary result         6                 -5        
Unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses, net         28                 -73        
Share of (profits) losses of associates         -3                 -1        
Deferred taxes         -153                 19        
Impairment         –                 2        
Other non-monetary items         17                 -36        
Cash flow from operating activities before change in working capital         1,164                 1,608        
(Increase) / decrease in inventories         -62                 -33        
(Increase) / decrease in trade receivables         -325                 -167        
Increase / (decrease) in trade payables         124                 115        
Increase / (decrease) in advanced ticket sales         1,661                 1,757        
Change in other assets and liabilities         -912                 -50        
Change in working capital requirement         486                 1,622        
CASH-FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES         1,650                 3,230        
Acquisition of subsidiaries, of shares in non-controlled entities         -3         -2
Proceeds on disposal of subsidiaries, of shares in non-controlled entities         8                 –        
Purchase of property plant and equipment and intangible assets         -2,067                 -1,396        
Proceeds on disposal of property plant and equipment and intangible assets         373                 211        
Interest received         156                 91        
Dividends received         1                 2        
Decrease (increase) in net investments, more than 3 months         131                 -52        
CASH-FLOW USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES         -1,401                 -1,146        
Payments to acquire treasury shares         –                 -1        
Purchase of minority interest without change of control         -1                 –        
Issuance of perpetual         –                 728        
Repayment on perpetual         –                 -595        
Coupon on perpetual         -62                 -52        
Issuance of debt         936                 1,558        
Repayment on debt         -1,260                 -2,969        
Payments on lease debts         -442                 -421        
New loans         -11                 -306        
Repayment on loans         56                 104        
Interest paid         -386                 -475        
Dividends paid         –                 -90        
CASH-FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES         -1,170                 -2,519        
Effect of exchange rate and reclassification on cash and cash equivalents (net of cash acquired or sold)         18                 -25        
Change in cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts         -903                 -460        
Cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at beginning of period         6,181                 6,623        
Cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at end of period         5,278                 6,163        

*Restated figures include the change in presentation for the reclassification of interest received and paid from cash flow from operating activities to respectively cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities

Net debt


(in € million)

June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023
Current and non-current financial liabilities 8,788 9,202
Current and non-current lease debt 4,921 4,429
Accrued interest -80 -138
Deposits related to financial liabilities -100 -107
Deposits related to lease debt -100 -100
Derivatives impact on debt -23 -1
Gross financial liabilities (I) 13,406 13,285
Cash and cash equivalent 5,288 6,194
Marketable securities > 3 months 968 1,097
Bonds 968 966
Bank overdrafts -10 -13
Net cash (II) 7,214 8,244
Net debt (I-II) 6,192 5,041

Recurring adjusted operating free cash flow

  Second Quarter First Semester
  2024 2023 2024 2023
(in € million)   restated *   restated *
Net cash flow from operating activities 881 1,440 1,650 3,230
Purchase of property plant and equipment and intangible assets -1,413 -617 -2,067 -1,396
Proceeds on disposal of property plant and equipment and intangible assets 348 80 373 211
Operating free cash flow -184 903 -44 2,045
Exceptional payments made/(received) (1) 120 67 850 119
Interest paid and received -172 -144 -230 -384
Payments on lease debts -223 -202 -442 -421
Recurring adjusted operating free cash flow -459 624 134 1,359

*Restated figures include the change in presentation for the reclassification of interest received and paid from cash flow from operating activities to respectively cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities

(1) Exceptional payments made/(received), restated from operating free cash flow for the calculation of recurring operating free cash flow adjusted, correspond to the repayment of deferred social charges, pensions contributions and wage taxes granted during the Covid period.

Return on capital employed (ROCE)

In € million Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31,
Dec 31,
Sept 30, 2023 Jun 30,
Mar 31,
Dec 31,
Sept 30, 2022
          restated (1) restated (1) restated (1) restated (1)
Goodwill and intangible assets         1,354                 1,349                 1,352                 1,331                 1,339                 1,351                 1,352                 1,350        
Flight equipment         12,197                 11,646                 11,501                 11,296                 10,957                 10,954                 10,614                 10,298        
Other property, plant and equipment         1,456                 1,438                 1,431                 1,379                 1,389                 1,372                 1,375                 1,349        
Right of use assets         6,479                 5,902                 5,956                 5,596                 5,480                 5,304                 5,428                 5,536        
Investments in equity associates         134                 134                 129                 127                 121                 122                 120                 111        
Financial assets excluding marketable securities, accrued interests and financial deposits         211                 214                 219                 191                 190                 169                 169                 164        
Provisions, excluding pension, cargo litigation and restructuring         -4,700                 -4,523                 -4,346                 -4,481                 -4,248                 -4,255                 -4,347                 -4,792        
WCR2         -8,222                 -8,284                 -6,981                 -7,804                 -8,917                 -8,696                 -7,213                 -7,609        
Capital employed         8,909                 7,876                 9,261                 7,635                 6,311                 6,321                 7,498                 6,407        
Average capital employed (A) 8,420 6,634
Adjusted results from current operations 1,310 1,584
– Dividends received -1 -2
– Share of profits (losses) of associates 8 15
– Normative income tax -340 -412
Adjusted result from current operations after tax (B) 977 1,185
ROCE, trailing 12 months (B/A) 11.6% 17.9%

(1) Compared with previous periods, working capital has been restated to exclude the deferral of social and fiscal charges granted following the Covid.
(2) Excluding the report of social & fiscal charges granted consequently to Covid.

Unit cost: net cost per ASK

  Second Quarter Half Year
  2024 2023 2024 2023
Total operating expenses (in €m) 7,435 6,891 14,579 13,526
Carbon emission (ETS) -63 -50 -125 -81
Total other revenues (in €m) -732 -637 -1,525 -1,257
Net cost (in €m) 6,640 6,204 12,929 12,188
Capacity produced, reported in ASK 81,365 78,144 154,092 147,727
Net cost per ASK (in € cents per ASK) 8.16 7.94 8.39 8.25
Gross change           2.9        %           2.0        %
Currency effect on net costs (in €m)   9   -25
Change at constant currency           2.8        %           2.2        %
Fuel price effect (in €m)   60   -105
Net cost per ASK at constant currency, constant fuel price and excluding ETS (in € cents per ASK) 8.16 8.03 8.39 8.16
Change at constant currency and constant fuel price excluding ETS           1.7        %           2.8        %

Unit cost per ASK excluding fuel and ETS vs Q2 2023: +2.1% and vs H1 2023: +3.5%
Definition: Unit cost = (total operating expenses – fuel – carbon emission – total other revenues) / Group Capacity in ASK

Group fleet at 30 June 2024

Aircraft type AF
(incl. HOP)4
(incl. KLC & MP)
Transavia Owned Finance lease Operating lease Total In operation Change / 31/12/23
B777-300 43 16   21 14 24 59 59  
B777-200 18 15   28 2 3 33 33  
B787-9 10 13   4 7 12 23 23  
B787-10   10   2 8   10 10  
A380-800 4     3   1 4    
A350-900 32     3 12 17 32 32 6
A330-300   5       5 5 5  
A330-200 15 6   12   9 21 21  
Total Long-Haul 122 65 0 73 43 71 187 183 6
B737-900   5   5     5 5  
B737-800   31 110 36 7 98 141 141  
B737-700   6 4 7   3 10 10  
A321NEO     6 2   4 6 6 5
A321 15     8   7 15 15  
A320 37     4 3 30 37 36 -1
A320NEO     4     4 4 4 4
A319 11     7   4 11 10 -3
A318 6     4   2 6 6  
A220-300 36     25   11 36 36 4
Total Medium-Haul 105 42 124 98 10 163 271 269 9
Canadair Jet 1000 1     1     1    
Embraer 195 E2   18       18 18 16 -2
Embraer 190 22 29   17 4 30 51 50  
Embraer 175   17   3 14   17 17  
Embraer 170 13     10   3 13 13  
Total Regional 36 64 0 31 18 51 100 96 -2
B747-400ERF   3   3     3 3  
B747-400BCF   1   1     1 1  
B777-F 2         2 2 2  
Total Cargo 2 4 0 4 0 2 6 6 0
Total 265 175 124 206 71 287 564 554 13


Passenger network activity

  Second quarter Half Year
Total network airlines 2024 2023 variation 2024 2023 variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 19,097 18,742 +1.9% 35,762 34,530 +3.6%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 59,873 58,307 +2.7% 115,218 111,267 +3.6%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 68,541 66,700 +2.8% 132,805 128,661 +3.2%
Load factor (%) 87.4% 87.4% -0.1pt 86.8% 86.5% +0.3pt
Passengers carried (‘000s) 6,522 6,370 +2.4% 12,717 12,309 +3.3%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 48,735 47,370 +2.9% 95,330 91,879 +3.8%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 55,324 53,788 +2.9% 108,946 105,321 +3.4%
Load factor (%) 88.1% 88.1% 0.0pt 87.5% 87.2% +0.3pt
North America            
Passengers carried (‘000s) 2,565 2,459 +4.3% 4,469 4,244 +5.3%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 18,178 17,455 +4.1% 31,762 30,307 +4.8%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 20,684 19,481 +6.2% 36,814 35,093 +4.9%
Load factor (%) 87.9% 89.6% -1.7pt 86.3% 86.4% -0.1pt
Latin America            
Passengers carried (‘000s) 814 859 -5.2% 1,684 1,751 -3.8%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 7,767 8,130 -4.5% 16,037 16,623 -3.5%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 8,677 9,102 -4.7% 17,843 18,492 -3.5%
Load factor (%) 89.5% 89.3% +0.2pt 89.9% 89.9% 0.0pt
Asia / Middle East            
Passengers carried (‘000s) 1,465 1,280 +14.5% 3,020 2,485 +21.5%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 11,664 10,019 +16.4% 23,808 19,229 +23.8%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 13,165 11,556 +13.9% 27,146 22,163 +22.5%
Load factor (%) 88.6% 86.7% +1.9pt 87.7% 86.8% +0.9pt
Passengers carried (‘000s) 927 994 -6.7% 1,901 2,034 -6.6%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 5,676 6,038 -6.0% 11,795 12,480 -5.5%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 6,712 7,143 -6.0% 13,915 14,739 -5.6%
Load factor (%) 84.6% 84.5% 0.0pt 84.8% 84.7% +0.1pt
Caribbean / Indian Ocean            
Passengers carried (‘000s) 751 778 -3.4% 1,644 1,794 -8.4%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 5,451 5,728 -4.8% 11,929 13,240 -9.9%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 6,086 6,506 -6.5% 13,228 14,834 -10.8%
Load factor (%) 89.6% 88.0% +1.5pt 90.2% 89.3% +0.9pt
Short and Medium-haul            
Passengers carried (‘000s) 12,575 12,373 +1.6% 23,045 22,221 +3.7%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 11,138 10,937 +1.8% 19,888 19,388 +2.6%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 13,217 12,912 +2.4% 23,859 23,340 +2.2%
Load factor (%) 84.3% 84.7% -0.4pt 83.4% 83.1% +0.3pt

Transavia activity

  Second quarter Half Year
Transavia 2024 2023 variation 2024 2023 variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 6,646 5,921 +12.2% 10,853 9,785 +10.9%
Revenue seat-kilometers (m RSK) 11,484 10,255 +12.0% 18,985 17,134 +10.8%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 12,807 11,429 +12.1% 21,261 19,037 +11.7%
Load factor (%) 89.7% 89.7% -0.1pt 89.3% 90.0% -0.7pt

Total Group passenger activity

  Second quarter Half Year
Total Group 2024 2023 variation 2024 2023 variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 25,743 24,664 +4.4% 46,615 44,315 +5.2%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 71,357 68,562 +4.1% 134,203 128,401 +4.5%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 81,348 78,129 +4.1% 154,066 147,698 +4.3%
Load factor (%) 87.7% 87.8% 0.0pt 87.1% 86.9% +0.2pt

Cargo activity

  Second quarter Half Year
Cargo 2024 2023 variation 2024 2023 variation
Revenue tonne-km (m RTK) 1,627 1,584 +2.7% 3,249 3,143 +3.4%
Available tonne-km (m ATK) 3,567 3,559 +0.2% 7,017 6,847 +2.5%
Load factor (%) 45.6% 44.5% +1.1pt 46.3% 45.9% +0.4pt

Air France activity

  Second quarter Half Year
Total Passenger network activity 2024 2023 variation 2024 2023 variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 10,638 10,831 -1.8% 19,832 20,289 -2.3%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 35,709 34,422 +3.7% 68,525 66,398 +3.2%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 41,134 39,411 +4.4% 79,211 76,708 +3.3%
Load factor (%) 86.8% 87.3% -0.5pt 86.5% 86.6% 0.0pt
Passengers carried (‘000s) 4,094 3,888 +5.3% 7,954 7,584 +4.9%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 29,854 28,186 +5.9% 58,162 55,148 +5.5%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 34,099 32,025 +6.5% 66,770 63,166 +5.7%
Load factor (%) 87.6% 88.0% -0.5pt 87.1% 87.3% -0.2pt
Short and Medium-haul            
Passengers carried (‘000s) 6,544 6,944 -5.8% 11,878 12,705 -6.5%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 5,855 6,236 -6.1% 10,364 11,250 -7.9%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 7,035 7,386 -4.8% 12,442 13,542 -8.1%
Load factor (%) 83.2% 84.4% -1.2pt 83.3% 83.1% +0.2pt
Cargo activity            
Revenue tonne-km (m RTK) 811 788 +2.9% 1,606 1,579 +1.7%
Available tonne-km (m ATK) 2,049 1,979 +3.5% 4,020 3,839 +4.7%
Load factor (%) 39.6% 39.8% -0.2pt 39.9% 41.1% -1.2pt

KLM activity

  Second quarter Half Year
Total Passenger network activity 2024 2023 variation 2024 2023 variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 8,459 7,911 +6.9% 15,930 14,241 +11.9%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 24,165 23,885 +1.2% 46,693 44,869 +4.1%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 27,408 27,290 +0.4% 53,594 51,954 +3.2%
Load factor (%) 88.2% 87.5% +0.6pt 87.1% 86.4% +0.8pt
Passengers carried (‘000s) 2,428 2,482 -2.2% 4,764 4,724 +0.8%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 18,883 19,183 -1.6% 37,170 36,731 +1.2%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 21,225 21,764 -2.5% 42,176 42,157 0.0%
Load factor (%) 89.0% 88.1% +0.8pt 88.1% 87.1% +1.0pt
Short and Medium-haul            
Passengers carried (‘000s) 6,031 5,429 +11.1% 11,167 9,517 +17.3%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 5,283 4,702 +12.4% 9,524 8,138 +17.0%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 6,182 5,525 +11.9% 11,417 9,797 +16.5%
Load factor (%) 85.5% 85.1% +0.4pt 83.4% 83.1% +0.4pt
Cargo activity            
Revenue tonne-km (m RTK) 816 796 +2.5% 1,643 1,564 +5.0%
Available tonne-km (m ATK) 1,518 1,581 -4.0% 2,997 3,008 -0.4%
Load factor (%) 53.8% 50.4% +3.4pt 54.8% 52.0% +2.8pt

1 at constant fuel, constant currency and excluding ETS
2 New generation fleet / Fleet in operation
3 against a constant fuel price, constant currency and excluding Emission Trading Scheme cost (ETS)
4 Excluding Transavia


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