Affärsverken Karlskrona adds dLab’s solution to a new station
Regional energy company Affärsverken Karlskrona expands its digitalization of the power grid, adding the grid analytics solution from cleantech company Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) to yet another substation, Intaget.
What keeps the society running? Electricity
Who secures the distribution of electricity in Karlskrona? Affärsverken Karlskrona
What helps Affärsverken Karlskrona ensure a resilient distribution? An improved grid insight
So, improved grid insight keeps society running!
And during the week of September 13th, the dLab team made a trip to Karlskrona to commission another dLab system, providing improved grid insight for Affärsverken Karlskrona.
-Affärsverken Karlskrona has been testing and using our platform with interesting results, and we are very pleased they have chosen to continue the digitalization journey by adding our capabilities covering a wider part of the grid, says Henrik Winberg, COO at dLab.
Previously dLab were proud to announce that a trip of one entire station could be avoided due to a deeper investigation of a cable network triggered by short fault events from dLab. The investigation led to a replacement of a faulty load disconnector in time, preventing a blackout for thousands of customers for at least 30 minutes to an hour.
About Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) –
Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) is a cleantech company offering an intelligent digital platform facilitating for the energy sector to support the sustainable society of tomorrow. By providing visual grid analytics that enables data-driven decision-making, the possibilities are opened for a modernized way of working and a more resilient power grid. dLab is a commercial company since 2015 and the shares are listed at Nasdaq First North GM (DLAB) since April 2021.
To learn more about dLab please visit