AB “Novaturas” doubles the number of weekly planned flights to Egypt

The leading tour operator in the Baltic States “Novaturas” Group is increasing the Egyptian program. From March, 4 flights per week will be operated from Lithuania and Estonia to the main Egyptian resorts.“In February 2021, after almost one-year break, we have resumed flights to Egypt. On the 13th of February the first plane to Sharm el Sheikh took off from Estonia, and on the 20th of February – from Lithuania to Hurghada. We have started with two flights per week program from the Lithuanian and Estonian markets. After assessing the demand, in March we have added additional flight chains to the Egyptian resorts from Vilnius and Tallinn. After the period of forced operations suspension, the increase in planned activity volumes gives optimism about accelerating holiday season. More frequent flights will give travelers the opportunity to plan their holidays more flexibly and choose from wider range of holiday durations just as it was usual before the pandemic”, says Audronė Keinytė, head of “Novaturas” group.According to The Company, Egypt has always been the most popular winter holiday destination. During the 2019-2020 winter holiday season 39.4 thousand travelers from all the Baltics travelled to the Egyptian resorts and the Egyptian program accounted for 68% of the whole winter holiday season program.About “Novaturas” GroupCFO
Tomas Staškūnas
+370 687 10426