Enerkon Solar International (ENKS) Announces Signing of Major MOU with International Financial Group
New York, New York, July 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Enerkon Solar International (OTC: ENKS) Announces Signing of Major MOU with International Financial Group and other Significant Commercial Events related to the Chairman Trip to Turkey and now Cyprus.
Today, the chairman Mr. Benjamin Ballout states that a MOU was signed to support a new international joint venture between US Institutional Capital Investments LLC including all affiliated entities and Mr. Huseyin Burak Erten its chairman – our agreements include joint securitization, trade finance support facilities for companies in Turkey, development of a SPAC for the commercialization of Patents and Trademarks of ENKS.
“The Signed Agreement between the parties includes joint support for a humanitarian ship and Aid Project with lobby to the United States Government and others, providing a global platform to further our philanthropic and humanitarian work in addition to our profit-oriented companies”
US Institutional Capital Investments will support and participate in joint solar/hydrogen projects in the green energy sphere – telecom – defense – biotech, Agri-tech, quantum-tech and others rendering securitization together in the Bond Market and others, financial and technical support, as well as Government Lobby, where needed, together with ENKS and Diplomatic Trade – (A Government relations company held by Mr. Ballout – ENKS Company Chairman)
“Today marked a historic day, memorializing the great and valuable joint venture between our groups of companies to form a true international powerhouse, of financial service, energy, technology and bioscience companies, unique to our modern times”
In other News, Mr. Burak Erten has been appointed today to a special advisory Board position with ENKS and as Vice President of new technology, in furtherance of our mutual aspirations
“In addition to the Valuable and Important MOU signed today creating a truly diverse finance and investment group of companies – we are I final talks with members of the Turkish Defense Department to establish a new company between ENKS New Technologies Division and The new SPV which may be call the Turkish American Defense and Technology Holdings company – in order to support the commercialization of US/Turkish Drone Technologies – Wireless No Lethal Weapon Systems for Police and Military as well as other activities – including the commercialization and implementation of the company’s Patent Pend, Al- Ox Fuel Cell Battery, for the EV Industry, as a potential replacement for Lithium – which could be a disruptive technology and commercial action benefiting the company for decades to come – and the aim of the SPV will be to also promote the instillation of this new Fuel Cell Battery into Military and commercial vehicles of all types for which may be able to operate with them – including but not limited to Land, Marine and Airborne Vehicle – and once the Agreements are signed early next week we shall publicize the scope and value for the public to consider follow our progress in this sphere”
Lastly, today, the Chairman will meet in Cyprus – The heads of Solar – Hydrogen and Scientific Entities for final talks regarding the implementation of or joint venture in these valuable operations and accompanying him is Mr. Michael Vishmidt ENKS Scientific and Technical Adviser – The company is very excited about signing initiatives in Cyprus this week as well.
“Progress on Compliance actions regarding the Move from CE status to Pink Current on the OTC remain underway and should be complete this week with administrative actions, review and processing thereafter, whereby the Company feels confident that the Pink Current status will be regained according to the rules for complete information and compliance with 15 c 2 11 and other rules during the coming week or so – while the company continues its Audit process with the company Auditors retained during the past weeks – this to support the companies aspirations to Up List to the NASDAQ Markets for better visibility and liquidity”
“Loyal ENKS Shareholders are the ‘ENKS ARMY’, and together – we will always support their best interests”
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Enerkon Solar International Inc.
6th Floor – #6834
477 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022 USA
Tel. +1 (877) 573-7797
Tel. +1 (718) 709-7889