Festi hf.: Buy Back Programme week 26
In week 26 2021 Festi purchased in total 840.623 own shares for total amount of 170.396.469 ISK as follows:
Vika | Dagsetning | Tími | Keyptir | Viðskipta- | Kaup- | Keyptir hlutir alls |
hlutir | verð | verð | ||||
26 | 28.6.2021 | 10:46 | 250.000,00 | 203,75 | 50.937.500 | 1.500.000,00 |
26 | 29.6.2021 | 10:02 | 250.000,00 | 202,5 | 50.625.000 | 1.750.000,00 |
26 | 30.6.2021 | 10:00 | 250.000,00 | 201,75 | 50.437.500 | 2.000.000,00 |
26 | 1.7.2021 | 09:39 | 90.623,00 | 203 | 18.396.469 | 2.090.623,00 |
Bought | 840.623,00 | 170.396.469 | ||||
This announcement of purchase of own shares is in accordance with the buy-back programme announced 20 June 2021 to Nasdaq OMX Iceland. Festi has now bought in total 2.090.623 own shares for 420.646.469 ISK and has with this finished the buy-back of own shares.
Before the purchase Festi held 409.377 own shares or 0.13% of issued shares but with these purchases owns now 2.500.000 shares which is 0.77% of issued shares.
The execution of the buy-back programme was in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Company Act No 2/1995 and annex II to the Regulation on insider information and market abuse No 630/2005.
For further information contact Magnús Kr. Ingason, CFO of Festi hf. (mki@festi.is).