In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and in light of the applicable restrictions, the Ordinary General Meeting of Solutions 30 was held on 30 June 2021, chaired by Gianbeppi Fortis, Chairman of the Management Board.
All the resolutions proposed to the Ordinary General Meeting were adopted.
In particular, the Ordinary General Meeting approved:
- The statutory and consolidated accounts for the financial year 2020
- The appointment of PKF Audit & Conseil Luxembourg as statutory auditor
- The renewal of the mandates of M. Jean-Paul COTTET, Ms Caroline TISSOT, M. Paul RAGUIN and M. Francesco SERAFINI, as members of the Supervisory Board of the Company for a 4-year term.
As far as the Extraordinary General Meeting is concerned, the quorum not being reached, it will therefore be reconvened to vote on the two resolutions related to the authorized share capital, in compliance with applicable regulations.
The company expresses thanks to its shareholders for their support and trust. Their mobilisation and the adoption of all the resolutions will enable the company to continue to implement its concrete action plan to preserve the interests of the company and its stakeholders.
The results of the votes will be available from today on the Group’s website: www.solutions30.com
About Solutions 30 SE
The Solutions 30 group is the European leader in solutions for new technologies. Its mission is to make the technological developments that are transforming our daily lives accessible to everyone, individuals and businesses alike. Yesterday, it was computers and the Internet. Today, it’s digital technology. Tomorrow, it will be technologies that make the world even more interconnected in real time. With more than 30 million call-outs carried out since it was founded and a network of more than 15,700 local technicians, Solutions 30 currently covers all of France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Iberian Peninsula, the United Kingdom, and Poland. The share capital of Solutions 30 SE consists of 107,127,984 shares, equal to the number of theoretical votes that can be exercised.
Solutions 30 SE is listed on the Euronext Paris exchange (ISIN FR0013379484- code S30). Indexes: MSCI Europe Small Cap | Tech40 | CAC PME | SBF120 | CAC Mid 60. Visit our website for more information: www.solutions30.com
Individual shareholders:
Shareholders relations – Tel: +33 1 86 86 00 63 – actionnaires@solutions30.com
Nathalie Boumendil – Tel: +33 6 85 82 41 95 – nathalie.boumendil@solutions30.com
Press – Image 7:
Leslie Jung – Tel: +44 7818 641803 – ljung@image7.fr
Flore Larger – Tel: +33 6 33 13 41 50 – flarger@image7.fr
Charlotte Le Barbier – Tel: +33 6 78 37 27 60 – clebarbier@image7.fr