Riber: report on the combined General Meeting from June 25, 2021
Press release
Report on the combined General Meeting from June 25, 2021
Bezons, June 25, 2021 – 7pm – Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the Combined General Meeting was held today as a closed session, chaired by Mr Didier Cornardeau, Chairman of RIBER’s Supervisory Board. The quorum was 56,53% of the capital represented. The shareholders, who voted by post, by email or by proxy, approved all the resolutions put forward by the Company’s Executive Board.
Approval of the full-year accounts for 2020
The General Meeting approved the corporate and consolidated financial statements for 2020.
Cash payout released for payment on July 7
The General Meeting approved the appropriation of earnings for 2020 and a payout drawn against the “issue premium” account for 0.03 euros per share: The ex-dividend date will be July 5, 2021, followed by payment on July 7, 2021.
Other resolutions
RIBER’s shareholders adopted the other resolutions, which included:
- The statutory auditors’ special report on regulated agreements and commitments,
- The reappointment of Mr Didier CORNARDEAU and Mr Nicolas GRANDJEAN as Supervisory Board members for two years,
- The total annual compensation for the Supervisory Board members for the 2021 fiscal year,
- The authorization for the Executive Board to carry out transactions on the Company’s shares,
- The authorization for the Executive Board to reduce the capital by canceling treasury stock held by the Company,
- The authorization for the Executive Board to increase the share capital by incorporating premiums, reserves, profits,
- The amendments to the articles of association relating to the participation procedures for Supervisory Board members at the Board meeting, as well as those for shareholders at General Meetings.
Supervisory Board’s decisions following the General Meeting
Following the General Meeting, the Supervisory Board met and appointed Ms Annie Geoffroy as Chairwoman of the Company’s Supervisory Board and Mr Nicolas Grandjean as Vice-Chairman following the resignation of Mr. Bernard Raboutet.
The Supervisory Board redefined the composition of its committees. The Appointments and Compensation Committee now comprises Mr Bernard Raboutet and Ms Christine Monier, its Chairwoman. The Audit Committee now comprises Ms Annie Geoffroy, Mr Nicolas Grandjean, Mr Pierre-Yves Kielwasser and Mr Didier Cornardeau, its Chairman.
The Company would like to thank the shareholders who took part in this General Meeting. The quorum conditions and detailed voting results are available on the French version of the Company’s website at: www.riber.com / Investisseurs / Informations réglementées / Assemblées Générales.
RIBER is the global market leader for MBE – molecular beam epitaxy – equipment. It designs and produces MBE systems and evaporators for the semiconductor industry. It also provides technical and scientific support for its clients, maintaining their equipment and optimizing their performance and output levels. Through its high-tech equipment, RIBER performs an essential role in the development of advanced semiconductor systems that are used in numerous consumer applications, from information technologies to 5G telecommunications networks, OLED screens and next-generation solar cells.
RIBER is a BPI France-approved innovative company and is listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market (ISIN: FR0000075954).
RIBER Stéphane Berterretche tel: +33 (0)1 39 96 65 00 invest@riber.com | CALYPTUS Cyril Combe tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 68 68 cyril.combe@calyptus.net |