Fly Play hf.: Eight-fold subscription in Fly Play hf.‘s share offering
A very successful share offering by Play finished today, Friday 25 June 2021, at 16.00.
Today at 16:00 a public offering of in total new 221,906,800 issued shares in Fly Play hf. finished. There were two separate offer books available, offer book A and B, which were different with regard to size and allocation.
- Approximately 4600 subscriptions were received for in total ISK 33.8 bn. or approx. USD 274 m.
- In book A subscriptions were made for in total ISK 6.7 bn. or approx. USD 55 m, at the fixed rate of ISK 18 per share.
- In book B subscriptions were made for in total ISK 27.0 bn. or approx. USD 220 m, with the final offer rate of ISK 20 per share.
The offering was managed by Arctica Finance, as Lead Financial Advisor, and Arion banki as Joint-Financial Advisor.
Play’s board of directors will now evaluate the subscriptions received in the offering and make decisions with regard thereto. The results of the allocation of the offering are expected to announced at the end of 28 June 2021. Information on final allocation will be accessible through the subscription system, which can be accessed through Arctica Finance´s website,, by using the same log in credentials as in the subscription process.
The final due date for payment is expected to be on 5 July 2021. Subject to payment, the newly issued shares are expected to be delivered on 9 July 2021.
Trading of the shares of Play on Nasdaq First North is expected to commence on 9 July 2021. First day of trading of Play’s shares will be announced at least one business day in advance.
Birgir Jónsson, CEO of Fly Play hf.:
Mr. Birgir Jónsson, the CEO of PLAY, stated after a successful IPO that the week will long be remembered as the biggest day for PLAY. „This is a defining moment in PLAY‘s history with our inaugural flight yesterday which was a huge achievement by itself but also because today PLAY successfully concluded its IPO. Our staff has worked wonders over the past few days, and indeed weeks. We are well prepared to maximize the post-covid opportunity and we believe our investors have placed their trust in us as we have shown the resilience that is needed in this market. To add to the joy of today the Icelandic government finally declared Iceland free of any pandemic restrictions from midnight onwards. I think we can allow us some optimism now that we can start rebuilding Iceland’s tourism, and the world’s.”
For further information:
Arctica Finance Lead Financial Advisor | Arion banki Joint Financial Advisor |
Andri Ingason Gretar Brynjolfsson | Lydur Thorgeirsson
Thorbergur Gudjonsson |