Updates in dLab’s platform improve grid condition assessment
Cleantech company Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) releases smaller, but significant improvements to the data analytics platform dInsight. By focusing on the divergences and patterns in trends over time and not just incident data, the user can faster form an impression of the grids’ condition.
Visualizing incidents over time is one of the main features of dLab’s data analytics platform dInsight. A powerful visual tool for grid analytics, dInsight is set up to support the decision-making processes in grid operations. The new update allows the user to see patterns and divergences over specific periods of time and thus get a sense of the incidents’ occurrence in a quick and easy way. Using a calendar-view to present episodes is a natural way to interpret events.
– By continuously improving the dashboards in dInsight, dLab is sharpening the tool for grid condition assessment, giving its users valuable and easy-to-read information in a familiar setting. Perceiving patterns and differences are innate qualities for humans, so it was really a matter of increasing the user-friendliness through natural behavior, says Fredrik Akke, CTO at dLab.
Apart from general improvements and cosmetic touch-ups, the update includes the following:
- New time series bar chart for incidents over time. Accumulated incidents over time have been visualized before, but this graph allows for a higher level of detail, showing individual incidents over time.
- Added event list next to the new bar chart with further details of each incident. For each incident, this list indicates the category of incident, operate delay time of function timer, as well as which feeder was affected.
- The information on the directional earth fault dashboard is now showing registered values for high ohmic earth faults as well.
About Dlaboratory Sweden AB
Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) is a Swedish cleantech company offering a digital platform for gathering, analyzing, and presenting condition data for managing the future power grid. Our solutions enable proactive maintenance work, an increased security of supply, and fewer power outages. We are a commercial company since 2015 and the shares are listed at Nasdaq First North GM (DLAB) since April 2021.