GTT’s 2021 combined shareholders’ annual general meeting summary
GTT’s 2021 combined shareholders’ annual general meeting summary
Paris, May 27, 2021 – The combined shareholders’ annual general meeting (AGM) of GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz) met today, under the chairmanship of Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT. Given the declaration of National Health Emergency, this Shareholders’ meeting was held exceptionally behind closed doors, without the presence of the shareholders.
All resolutions submitted to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) were approved.
The shareholders approved in particular the financial statements for the fiscal year 2020 and the payment of a dividend of 4.29 euros per share, it being specified that an interim dividend amounting to 2.50 euro was paid on November 5, 2020.
The AGM ratified the co-option of Ms Sandra Roche-Vu Quang and approved the renewal of her term of office. It also approved the renewal of the term of office of Mr. Andrew Jamieson.
The AGM approved the information stipulated in Article L. 22-10-9, I. of the French Commercial Code provided in the report of corporate governance. It also approved the elements of the compensation paid or allocated to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the year ended, as well as the policy on compensation of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and of the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2021.
Finally, the AGM approved several financial authorizations given to the Board of directors.
The results of the vote on each resolution will soon be available on GTT’s website ( at Finance / Shareholders’ meeting.
Financial calendar
- June 1, 2021 : Ex-dividend date
- June 3, 2021 : Payment of the balance of the dividend (1.79 euro per share) for the financial year ended December 31, 2020
- July 29, 2021 : Release of H1 2021 results (after market close)
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About GTT
GTT is the technological expert in membrane containment systems dedicated to the transport and storage of liquefied gases. For over 50 years, GTT has been designing and marketing advanced technologies for improved energy performance. GTT technologies combine operational efficiency and safety to equip LNG carriers, floating terminals, onshore storage tanks and multi-gas carriers. The Group also offers systems for the use of LNG as fuel, as well as a wide range of services, including digital solutions in the field of Smart Shipping. GTT also operates in the hydrogen sector through its subsidiary Elogen, which designs and assembles electrolysers for the production of green hydrogen.
GTT is listed on Euronext Paris, Compartment A (ISIN FR0011726835, Euronext Paris: GTT) and is notably included in the SBF 120 and MSCI Small Cap indexes.