Proactive news headlines including Maximus Resources, Anteris Technologies, Archer Materials and Creso Pharma
Sydney, May 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in Australia, has covered the following companies:
- Infinity Lithium Corporation Limited (ASX:INF) (FRA:3PM) non-executive director Remy Welschinger has demonstrated faith in the company with an on-market purchase of shares. Click here
- Maximus Resources Ltd (ASX:MXR) (FRA:M5F) has started a reverse circulation (RC) drilling program of around 4,000 metres targeting several near-mine and regional exploration gold targets across its Spargoville tenements, which is 24 kilometres from Kambalda, Western Australia’s premier gold and nickel mining district. Click here
- Predictive Discovery Ltd (ASX:PDI) has progressed its divestment plans for non-core assets, with Manas Resources Limited (ASX:MSR) set to acquire Resolute Mining Limited’s (ASX:RSG) (LON:RSG) (FRA:RSM) exploration interests in Cote D’Ivoire and concurrent agreement with Predictive to restructure the existing joint venture with Resolute – while allowing the company to retain an interest in potential discoveries on the JV permits. Click here
- Anteris Technologies Ltd (ASX:ARV) has been granted a trading halt by the ASX with an announcement pending in regard to a proposed capital raising. Click here
- Lithium Australia NL (ASX:LIT) (OTCMKTS:LMMFF) (FRA:3MW) non-executive director Phil Thick has demonstrated his confidence in the company’s strategy with the purchase of shares in an on-market transaction. Click here
- Salt Lake Potash Ltd (ASX:SO4) (LON:SO4) (OTCMKTS:WHELF) (FRA:W1D) has been granted a trading halt by the ASX with an announcement pending in regard to a potential capital raising. Click here
- Archer Materials Ltd (ASX:AXE) (OTCMKTS:ARRXF) (FRA:38A) is progressing well with the sale of Australian mineral tenements to fund its Advanced Materials business strategy with both transactions expected to complete by the end of September 2021. Click here
- S&P/ASX 200 (INDEXASX:XJO) weakened from a strong start this morning, with the index trading down 0.011% to 7,018.8 by about 1 pm. Click here
- King River Resources Ltd’s (ASX:KRR) contractors Como Engineers have completed the engineering studies to provide detailed capital and operating cost estimares for the Kwinana high-purity alumina pre-feasibility study (PFS). Click here
- Creso Pharma Ltd (ASX:CPH) (FRA:1X8) has signed a non-binding, non-exclusive Letter of Intent (LOI) with Polish company Polvet to progress a commercial agreement to market and distribute Creso’s cannabis-based animal health products for companion animals and livestock in Poland. Click here
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