Eramet: Documents available for consultation for the Combined Shareholders’ General Meeting to be held behind closed doors on 28 May 2021
Paris, May 06, 2021, 5:45 pm
Eramet: Documents available for consultation for the Combined Shareholders’ General Meeting to be held behind closed doors on 28 May 2021
In the current exceptional context of the sanitary crisis, shareholders are invited to participate to the Combined Shareholders’ General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 28 May 2021 at 10:30 a.m. (Paris time), behind closed doors at Eramet’s registered office (without physical attendance of shareholders, in accordance with the provisions which were initially authorized by Order no. 2020-321 dated 25 March 2020 and Decree no. 2020-418 dated 10 April 2020, as revised by Order no. 2020-1497 dated 2 December 2020 and the Decree no. 2021-255 dated 9 March 2021), the venue of the Meeting being affected at the date of its notice by an administrative measure restricting or prohibiting collective gathering on sanitary grounds.
The remote voting prior to the Meeting will be the only way to cast a vote in the absence of the shareholders’ physical presence. Thus, prior to the General Meeting, shareholders are kindly invited to vote remotely either by voting or abstaining for each resolution, or by giving their proxy to the Chairman.
To this end, the detailed procedures for attending remotely appear in particular in the notice of meeting brochure and will be described in the notice of meeting.
The prior notice of meeting including the agenda and draft resolutions had been published in the French official gazette (BALO – Bulletin des Annonces légales obligatoires) on 7 April 2021 and the notice of meeting will be published in the BALO on 10 May 2021.
We would also like to remind shareholders that they can address any question they might have to the Chairman of the Board of Directors by email (at Emails must be sent on the second business day prior to the Shareholders’ General Meeting at the very latest (26 May 2021).
The Shareholders’ General Meeting will be broadcasted live via a webcast and later available for replay, accessible on the Group’s website:
In accordance with applicable regulations, the Meeting documents and information are available for consultation by shareholders on the Eramet website
28/05/2021: Shareholders’ General Meeting
28/07/2021: Publication of 2021 half-year results
25/10/2021: Publication of 2021 third-quarter turnover
Eramet, a global mining and metallurgical group, is a key player in the extraction and valorisation of metals (manganese, nickel, mineral sands) and the elaboration and processing of alloys with a high added value (high-speed steels,
high-performance steels, superalloys, aluminium and titanium alloys).
The Group supports the energy transition by developing activities with high growth potential activities, including lithium and recycling.
Eramet positions itself as the privileged partner of its customers in sectors that include carbon and stainless steel, aerospace, pigments, energy, and new battery generations.
Building on its operating excellence, the quality of its investments and the expertise of its employees, the Group leverages an industrial, managerial and societal model that is virtuous and value-accretive. As a contributive corporate citizen, Eramet strives for a sustainable and responsible industry.
Eramet employs more than 13,000 people in 20 countries, with turnover of more than €3.5 billion in 2020.
For further information, go to
INVESTOR CONTACT Director of Investor Relations Sandrine Nourry-Dabi
Communications Director Pauline Briand
Image 7 Marie Artzner |