eWorld Companies, Inc., Parent of Angelini Trading Company, Has Completed All Filings Required for Current Information Status on OTC Markets
Escondido, CA, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — eWorld Companies, Inc. (OTC: EWRC), announced today that the company has submitted all filings required by OTC Markets for upgrade to Current Information status, including updated financials, and expects to receive formal approval and upgrade to Current Information within the next week. This release followed a recent announcement that the company had already become fully current with all statutory requirements of the state of Nevada, where the corporation is registered.
In conjunction with this announcement, Pablo Gallardo Wagner, CEO of eWorld Companies, Inc. commented, “This is a very significant milestone for the company and represents both an important and necessary step as we ‘clear the decks’ in preparation for a major reboot of our Angelini Trading Company subsidiary. We have been working diligently behind the scenes in preparation for some major expansion plans that we will be announcing within the next few days.”
Mirek Gorny, President of eWorld Companies, Inc. and COO of Angelini Trading Company, added, “We are pleased that these various regulatory requirements have been met and excited that we can now move forward with the plans Angelini Trading Company has been putting in place over the past months. We will be releasing several additional announcements about our current activities and future plans over the coming days and weeks.”
eWorld Companies, Inc. is the Parent Company of Angelini Trading Company, a Los Angeles area-based company that distributes 26 varieties of wine from 5 different family-owned wineries, 2 different handmade Italian pasta factories, and a premier olive oil company that won the 2014 award for best olive oil in the world, and other specialty food items seldom seen in the U.S. market. eWorld’s top priority and sole focus now is the rollout of Angelini Trading’s line of Caponero and Benevento brand wines for the U.S. consumer market. Wines have already been delivered and purchase orders received from the first 200 retail outlets, with many additional orders and deliveries expected to be announced soon.
Angelini Trading Company was formed in 2012 by Richard Angelini and his cousin, Roberto Adamo, with the objective to source the highest-level products available from the Italian peninsula for export to the rest of the world, with primary focus on the U.S. market. The Angelini and Adamo families have been merchants and artists since the 1600’s. Unfortunately, Richard Angelini passed away in 2017, but the company remains in family hand with his wife, Christina now serving as the company’s President.
For more information visit https://ewrcinc.com and/or https://angelinitrading.co.
Safe Harbor Statement: This release contains forward-looking statements with respect to business operations and results of eWorld Companies, Inc., which involves risks and uncertainties. Actual future results could materially differ from those discussed. eWorld Companies, Inc. intends that all statements included herein, including those referring to future revenues and earnings, be subject to the “Safe Harbors” provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Pablo Gallardo Wagner, CEO