DigitalAMN Aligns With Miguel Sanchez of Mass Ideation To Operate Front End of PAI Ecosystem
NEW YORK, April 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc. (“DigitalAMN” or the “Company”) (OTCMKTS: DATI), a Public Accelerator-Incubator (“PAI”), announced today that DigitalAMN has entered into a strategic alliance with Mass Ideation, Inc., whereby its CEO and Founder, Miguel Sanchez, will manage the onboarding and acceleration process of the Company’s PAI Ecosystem.
Miguel Sanchez brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in business support services, particularly in technology development, businesses acceleration, and entrepreneurial mentorship. Mr. Sanchez is the co-founder of MetaBronx, Inc., a diversity-focused accelerator in NYC, where he both accelerates a diversified group of undervalued entrepreneurs, while also mentoring disadvantaged youth in business and technology – providing impactful internships where students work with startups, development stage companies, and accomplished executives. MetaBronx, Inc., is a New York State 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation.
As part of this strategic alliance, Mr. Sanchez will participate in the Company’s new onboarding process and implement a modified accelerator program – both, he helped to design. The process is intended to help ensure that a startup or development stage company, public or private, is potentially a more viable investment opportunity by the time a crowd supported capital raise campaign (Reg. CF, Reg. A+, etc.) is launched via the Company’s PAI Ecosystem.
“We want for each client-company that launches a crowd-supported capital raise through our ecosystem, to have a greater chance of long-term success, than if they independently went on one of the many overcrowded equity crowdfunding portals on the market,” stated Ajene Watson, CEO of DigitalAMN. “And, we believe that Miguel Sanchez and Mass Ideation, who both have a proven track-record in business acceleration and technology, will help us make that possible. We’re pleased to officially ally with Miguel through this strategic alliance, to help lead our client onboardings and manage the early business development services that we intend to provide to a diversified group of undervalued entrepreneurs.”
Management indicated that although initial conversations began in back in 2019, it was determined late last year to proceed with a strategic alliance as the most beneficial option to further a collaborative mission.
Mr. Watson continued, “Mr. Sanchez’s vision for a diversified marketplace of both entrepreneurs and the people who invest in them, is very much aligned with DigitalAMN’s mantra, which is to do well, while also doing good. We are confident that with Miguel’s participation, DigitalAMN may have the ability to cultivate great companies, with diverse founders, in a multitude of industries–not just tech–and make investing in these types of opportunities a real possibility for new, non-accredited and other undervalued investors across the country.
Management also indicated that Mr. Sanchez is part of a network of professionals, who despite being ‘unofficial’ team members in 2020, became important collaborators in the development of the front-end strategy (onboarding, marketing and business development) that the Company is now implementing––with DigitalAMN being the first participant in the ecosystem. Given their knowledge and experience, management seeks to soon add these well-versed network members, including Mr. Sanchez, to the Company’s Executive Advisory team. “We believe that this team’s continued guidance will prove instrumental to DigitalAMN’s overall success,” said Watson. “And we anticipate receiving that support through executive advisory and additional valuable strategic alliances from what I call, the ‘Troy Prince power circle’,” concluded Watson.
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ABOUT Mass Ideation, Inc.
Mass Ideation, Inc., headed by Miguel Sanchez, is a MBE (Minority Owned Business Enterprise) & best known for its NYC-based certified creative and technology innovation consultancy/idea factory, specializing in creating world-class innovative experiences and startups.
Mass Ideation is in the business of bringing minds together in a mutual mission of creating the convergence of creativity, strategy, and technology. Through the collective ideation process, the Company creates digital content and solutions which inspire and deliver a visceral experience designed to engage audiences, ignite brand recognition, and create brand loyalty.
As technology evolves, so does the Company, expanding skills and experiences in the areas of interactive and dynamic content, mobile and digital customer activation tactics. Mass Ideation brings together the harmony of art, technology, and strategy for our community.
Miguel Sanchez is also the co-founder of MetaBronx, Inc, (a New York State 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation), which has helped to raise more than $4.5M for minority and women-owned business ventures.
ABOUT Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc.
Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc. (OTCMKTS: DATI) is the first company to utilize the Public Accelerator-Incubator (PAI) model, with the intent to follow the global success of accelerators and incubators around the world, adding niche opportunities to both the microcap and startup communities. As a PAI, Digital Asset Monetary Network will develop and acquire innovations that solve problems through digital platforms and other electronic applications.
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Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute “forward-looking statements.” Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the Company’s actual operating results to be materially different from any historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements that explicitly describe these risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements that contain terms such as “believes,” “belief,” “expects,” “expect,” “intends,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “plan,” to be uncertain and forward-looking. No information in this press release should be construed as any indication whatsoever of our future revenues, stock price, or results of operations.
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