This is the convening notice for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Brunel International N.V. (the “Company”) that will take place virtually on Tuesday May 11, 2021 at 2.30 p.m. (CEST).
1. Opening
2. Report of the Board of Directors for the financial year 2020 (for information)
3. Implementation of the remuneration policy (advisory vote)
4. Adoption of the annual accounts for the financial year 2020 (voting item)
5. Approval of the Board of Director’s management in 2020 and discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors (voting item)
6. Approval of the Supervisory Board’s supervision in 2020 and discharge from liability of the members of the Supervisory Board (voting item)
7. Reserves and dividend policy (for discussion)
8. Approval of the profit appropriation and proposal for the payment of dividend (voting item)
9. Corporate governance (for discussion)
10. Proposal to reappoint Mr J.J.B.M. (Just) Spee as member of the Supervisory Board (voting item)
11. Proposal to appoint Mr F.I.M. (Frank) van der Vloed as member of the Supervisory Board (voting item)
12. Proposal to reappoint Mr J.T. (Jilko) Andringa as member of the Board of Directors (voting item)
13. Proposal to reappoint the external auditor (voting item)
14. Any other business
15. Closing
The agenda with notes, the annual report and the explanation to the annual accounts are available for inspection and can be obtained free of charge from Brunel International N.V., John M. Keynesplein 33, 1066 EP Amsterdam, as well as from ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (“ABN AMRO”, e-mail:, and can be viewed on the website of Brunel International N.V. (
The record date for the meeting is April 13, 2021 after processing of all subscriptions and withdrawals per this date (the “Record Date”).
Virtual meeting
Shareholders and others with meeting rights will not have physical access to the meeting. There will be a live webcast of the meeting via a link which will be available on the corporate website
The voting rights can only be exercised by a proxy granted by electronic means. Proxy and voting instructions can be given from
April 14, 2021 until May 3, 2021 at 5 p.m. CEST via The relevant intermediary of the shareholder must submit to ABN AMRO a confirmation via, that such shares were registered in the relevant intermediary’s administration on the Record Date, no later than May 4, 2021 at 12 p.m.
Shareholders and others with meeting rights on the Record Date may submit questions by e-mail relating to items on the agenda of the meeting prior to the meeting, by sending them to until 5 p.m. CEST on May 8, 2021. Shareholders and others with meeting rights on the Record Date who have submitted their questions electronically by said date may submit follow-up questions during the meeting for which they will receive separate instructions. The Company intends to address all questions during the meeting, to the extent appropriate with a view to the orderly conduct of the meeting.
Amsterdam, March 29, 2021
The Board of Directors