Draft resolutions by the Board of Medicinos Bankas for the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021 and announcment of the date and time of the ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021
The draft resolutions suggested by the Board of Medicinos Bankas UAB on the items of the agenda of the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021.The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Medicinos Bankas UAB in 2021 is convened in 2021 March 31 10 a.m. at Pamėnkalnio str. 40 Vilnius (2nd floor).More information: Aleksejus Tonkich, Member of the Board, Director of the Financial Service, Deputy Head of Administration Phone: + 370 698 34055, email: aleksejus.tonkich@medbank.lt
AttachmentsESEF FA_2020_ENProjects of resolutions_ENAllocation of Profit of 2020_EN