Correction: Bolloré :2020 results

BOLLORÉ Good results for all Bolloré Group
business activities in 2020
in the context of the COVID-19 health crisisRevenue: €24,109 million, -3% (-3% at constant scope and exchange rates).Adjusted operating income (EBITA(1)): €2,043 million +25% (+23% at constant scope and exchange rates):Net income: €1,563 million, up (+11%) (not including a capital gain on the sale on March 31, 2020, of 10% of Universal Music Group’s (UMG) on the basis of an enterprise value of €30 billion for 100%, recognised in equity for €2.8 billion), and net income Group share of €426 million, up 79%.Net debt: €9,136 million, compared with €8,720 million at 31 December 2019, of which €4,183 million for Bolloré excluding Vivendi, down €473 million year on year and €4,953 million for Vivendi, before the receipt of €2.8 billion for the sale of the further 10% of Universal Music Group on January 31, 2021.Liquidity remained at a high level: €9.2 billion as of January 31, 2021, including €2.9 billion at Bolloré level. Gearing: 35%.Proposed dividend: €0.06 per share (of which a €0.02 interim already paid in September 2020) identical to that paid in respect of 2019.