Final terms for bond to be opened 4th March 2021

To Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S 1st March 2021
Announcement no. 27/2021The full prospectus for the Bond consist of the attached final terms and the previously disclosed ”Base Prospectus for the issue of Covered Bonds (SDO), Mortgage bonds (“RO”) and Mortgage Bonds (RO) and bonds issued pursuant to Section 15 of the Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act (Section 15 Bonds).”, dated February 23th, 2021.Jyske Realkredit’s base prospectus is available on Jyske Realkredit’s home page
Yours sincerely,
Jyske Realkredit A/Swww.jyskerealkredit.comPlease observe that the Danish version of this announcement prevails.AttachmentDK0009405698 – Final terms series 1 111.E 43