Correction: Share buy-back programme – week 8

In the announcement published earlier, we have become aware of the following errors, which have been corrected in the announcement below:The total numbers of own shares owned under the completed and present share buy-back programmes was announced to be 323,500 shares corresponding to 1.1 % of the share capital. The correct number is 223,800 shares corresponding to 0.8 % of the share capital.
Nasdaq Copenhagen
London Stock Exchange
Other stakeholdersDate 01.03.2021Share buy-back programme – week 8The share buy-back programme runs from and including 4 February 2021 up to and including 30 July 2021 provided that the forthcoming annual general meeting, to be held on 3 March 2021, gives the board a new authority to permit the bank to acquire its own shares and thereby the share buy-back programme can continue. During this period Ringkjøbing Landbobank will buy-back shares to a maximum market value of DKK 255 million under a share buy-back programme, see company announcement of 3 February 2021.The programme is implemented in compliance with EU Commission Regulation No. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 and EU Commission Delegated Regulation No. 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016, which together constitute the “Safe Harbour” regulation.The following transactions have been made under the programme:With the transactions stated above, Ringkjøbing Landbobank now owns the following numbers of own shares, excluding the bank’s trading portfolio and investments made on behalf of customers:
·223,800 shares under the completed and present share buy-back programme(-s) corresponding to 0.8 % of the company’s share capital.In accordance with the above regulation etc., the transactions related to the share buy-back programme on the stated reporting days are attached to this corporate announcement in detailed form.Yours sincerely,
Ringkjøbing LandbobankJohn Fisker
Detailed summary of the transactions on the above reporting daysAttachmentUK Aktieopkøbsprogram 2021 – week 8 – correction