Hampton Financial Corporation Announces Correction to Date Reference in Material Change Report

NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESTORONTO, Feb. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hampton Financial Corporation (“Hampton” or the “Corporation”) (TSXV: HFC) (TSXV: HFC.PR.A) announces that the material change report filed December 18, 2020 (“MCR”) was amended by a material change report filed on February 1, 2021 (the “Amended MCR”) to indicate that the correct date of a material change was November 23, 2020 and not November 30, 2020 as had been reported in the MCR. The MCR and the Amended MCR were filed in connection with the issue oriented review of the Company’s continuous disclosure record by the Corporate Finance Branch of the Ontario Securities Commission.About Hampton Financial CorporationHampton Financial Corporation is a unique private equity firm that seeks to build shareholder value through long-term strategic investments. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Hampton Securities Limited (“HSL”), Hampton is actively engaged in family office, wealth management, institutional services and capital markets activities. HSL is a full service investment dealer, regulated by IIROC and registered in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Ontario and Quebec. In addition, the company provides investment banking services, which include assisting companies with raising capital, advising on mergers and acquisitions, and aiding issuers in obtaining a listing on a recognized securities exchange in Canada.For more information, please contact:Peter M. Deeb
Executive Chairman & CEO
Hampton Financial Corporation
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