Atlantica Included in Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index
Santiago Seage, Atlantica’s CEO said: “By becoming members of 2021 Bloomberg GEI Atlantica demonstrates its commitment to addressing gender equality and women empowerment. In 2018, we became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and selected Gender Equality as one of our core Sustainable Development Goals. In 2019, we issued our Diversity and Inclusion Policy and in 2020 we joined the Women’s Empowerment Principles. We intend to continue demonstrating our commitment to gender equality.”The GEI brings transparency to gender-related practices and policies at publicly listed companies increasing the breadth of environmental, social, governance (ESG) data available to investors. The comprehensive, transparent GEI scoring methodology allows investors to assess company performance and compare across industry peer groups.The reference index measures gender equality across five dimensions: female leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, sexual harassment policies, and pro-women brand.Through disclosure of gender-related metrics using the GEI framework, the firms included in the 2021 GEI have committed to providing a comprehensive look at their investment in workplace gender equality and the communities in which they operate, raising the bar of what should be expected from other companies within the same industry. The inclusion of Atlantica in this year’s index, reflects its high level of disclosure and overall performance across the framework’s five dimensions.About AtlanticaAtlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc is a sustainable infrastructure company that owns a diversified portfolio of contracted renewable energy, efficient natural gas, electric transmission and water assets in North and South America, and certain markets in EMEA (