Financial calender for funds managed by Storebrand Asset Management AS

Lysaker, 15 January 2021Financial Calender 2021FINANCIAL YEAR 202023.04.2021 – Annual ReportFINANCIAL YEAR 202124.03.2021 – Election meeting13.07.2021 – Semi annual Report29.04.2022 – Annual ReportThe funds listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen will be available for trading during the Nasdaq opening hours. Jyske Bank is acting as the market maker, and will ensure transferability for the funds.For queries, you may contact Storebrand’s Danish branch on +45 33 41 76 53, or Kim.Toftegaard.Andreassen@storebrand.comRegards
Storebrand Asset Management ASContacts:Kim Toftegaard Andreassen, Director, +45 33 41 76 53Frode Aasen, Product Manager, +47 934 03 934