Half-yearly report on the Orange liquidity contract

As part of the liquidity contract signed by Orange with Rothschild Martin Maurel, the following assets appeared on the liquidity account as of 31 December 2020:0 Orange share5,473,711.29 eurosAs a reminder, the following assets appeared on the liquidity account:– As of 30 June 2020:955,000 Orange share40,235,031.75 euros– As of the date of signature of the new liquidity contract on 11 February 2019:950,000 Orange shares37,913,500.00 eurosIn addition, Orange publishes thereafter, for each trading day during the last 6 months of 2020, the number of transactions entered into as well as the volume of shares and the amount of equity purchased and sold.Press contacts: +33 1 44 44 93 93Tom Wright, tom.wright@orange.com
Olivier Emberger, olivier.emberger@orange.com
Attachments2021 01 06 CP Bilan_Ct_Liquidite_S2_2020 VF2021 01 06 CP Bilan_Ct_Liquidite_S2_2020 VA