Oma Savings Bank Plc’s Financial reporting and AGM in 2021
Oma Savings Bank Plc’s Financial reporting and AGM in 2021Oma Savings Bank (OmaSp) will publish financial information in 2021 as follows:8 February 2021 Financial Statement Bulletin for 20203 May 2021 Interim Report January-March 20212 August 2021 Interim Report January-June 20211 November 2021 Interim Report January-September 2021Annual Report 2020 including the Financial Statements and the Report of Board of Directors, and the Capital and Risk Management Report will be published in Week 10. The Corporate Governance Statement, the Remuneration Report and the Corporate Responsibility Report for 2020 will also be published in Week 10.The Annual General Meeting of Oma Savings Bank Plc is planned to be held on Tuesday 30 March in 2021. The Board of Directors will convene the Annual General Meeting separately.
Oma Savings Bank Plc
Additional information:
Minna Sillanpää, CCO, tel. +358 50 66592, minna.sillanpaa@omasp.fiDISTRIBUTION
Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Major media
www.omasp.fiOmaSp is a growing Finnish bank and the largest savings bank in Finland based on total assets. About 300 professionals provide nationwide services through OmaSp’s 32 branch offices and digital service channels to 140,000 private and corporate customers. OmaSp focuses primarily on retail banking operations and provides its clients with a broad range of banking services both through its own balance sheet as well as by acting as an intermediary for its partners’ products. The intermediated products include credit, investment and loan insurance products. OmaSp is also engaged in mortgage banking operations.OmaSp core idea is to provide personal service and to be local and close to its customers, both in digital and traditional channels. OmaSp strives to offer premium level customer experience through personal service and easy accessibility. In addition, the development of the operations and services is customer-oriented. The personnel is committed and OmaSp seeks to support their career development with versatile tasks and continuous development. A substantial part of the personnel also own shares in OmaSp.