NEURONES: Organic growth up 4.9% in 3rd quarter 2020

Heading: 3rd quarter 2020 revenues Nanterre, November 4, 2020 (after the closing of the stock exchange)Organic growth up 4.9% in 3rd quarter 2020AchievementsIn the 3rd quarter, NEURONES returned to a + 5.5% growth rate, similar to that of the 1st quarter (+ 5.1%).Over the first nine months of the year, the operating profit rate * stood at 9.7% of revenues (compared with 9.4%, excluding disposal gains, for the same period in 2019).Furthermore, a specialist in digital process automation projects (2020 annual revenues of €4.5 million) joined the group on August 1.OutlookThe effects of the health crisis proved to be more diluted over time than NEURONES had anticipated and they will also affect the coming quarters.For the year 2020 as a whole, the forecasts are therefore revised upwards a second time and are now:revenues of at least €510.1 million, i.e. higher than last year,operating profit standing approximately at 9.5%.Forecasts for the year to come will be published along with the Group’s 1st quarter 2021 revenues.* unaudited and after inclusion of 0.2% expenses related to bonus shares.About NEURONESWith over 5,500 experts, the NEURONES Group specializes in Consulting (Management, Organization and Digital) and IT Services (Infrastructures and Applications). It supports its clients in their digital transformation projects and in the upgrading of their information systems.Euronext Paris (compartment B – NRO) – Enternext Tech 40 – SRD (deferred settlement) mid-caps