Proposals for the Introduction of an Overnight Restrike Mechanic, a Discretionary Index Change Mechanic and a Near Zero Price Mechanic
(a public company incorporated with limited liability in Ireland)
(ISIN: IE00BYTYHR65)PROPOSALS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF AN OVERNIGHT RESTRIKE MECHANIC, A DISCRETIONARY INDEX CHANGE MECHANIC AND A NEAR ZERO PRICE MECHANICNOTICE OF CORRECTION AND CHANGE OF DATE IN RESPECT OF THE MEETING OF THE ETP SECURITYHOLDERS CONVENED BY THE CIRCULAR DATED 06 OCTOBER 2020THIS DOCUMENT IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt about what action you should take, you are recommended to consult your independent financial adviser.If you have sold or transferred all of your WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 3x Daily Short Securities (the “Affected Securities”) of Wisdomtree Multi Asset Issuer Public Limited Company (the “Issuer”), please send this document, together with the accompanying form of proxy, at once to the purchaser or transferee or stockbroker, banker or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was made, for onward transmission to the purchaser or transferee.The Issuer refers to a circular dated 6 October 2020 (the “Original Circular”). The Original Circular purported to convene a meeting of the holders of the Affected Securities at 9 a.m. on Thursday, 29 October 2020 (the “Original Meeting”). The Original Circular did not include a Notice of Meeting in respect of the Original Meeting. The Issuer hereby announces a correction to the Original Circular to correct this.A corrected notice of meeting along with an updated form of proxy is enclosed to this Notice of Correction. The meeting of the Affected Securities will now be convened at 9.00 a.m. on 11 November 2020 in the same manner and place as set out in the Original Circular (the “Meeting”).The Meeting is being held to consider proposals for the introduction of an overnight restrike mechanic, a discretionary index change mechanic and a near zero price mechanic in respect of the Affected Securities. Full details of the Proposal and Extraordinary Resolution are set out in the Original Circular.
Holders of the Affected Securities are therefore directed to the original notification posted to them on 6 October 2020, and also available on the website of the Issuer, at—circular-platform—6-october-2020.pdfHolders of the Affected Securities have received a form of proxy by post in respect of the Original Meeting (the “Original Proxy”). Holders of the Affected Securities should note that a duly completed Original Proxy deposited in respect of the Original Meeting will continue to be valid for the Meeting unless previously revoked or suspended by a further form of proxy prior to the Meeting.The meetings being held in respect of other securities issued by the Issuer convened for various times on Thursday, 29 October 2020 are unaffected by this Notice of Correction and will proceed on the timetables indicated in the Original Circular.In accordance with normal practice, The Law Debenture Trust Corporation p.l.c., as trustee, expresses no opinion as to the merits of the proposals, the terms of which were not negotiated by it. It has however authorised it to be stated that, on the basis of the information contained in the Original Circular and in this document (which it advises holders of Affected Securities to read carefully) it has no objection to the form in which the proposals and Notice of Meeting are presented to holders of Affected Securities for their consideration.Holders of the Affected Securities will be notified of the outcome of the Meeting shortly thereafter.