Landsbankinn hf.: Landsbankinn concludes market-making agreements for covered bonds
The minimum nominal amount of orders in the series LBANK CBI 28 shall be ISK 40m.Individual market makers are released from their obligations on a particular trading day once the trading volume (specified as “AUTO”) of that particular market maker totals ISK 500m for all series of covered bonds issued by Landsbankinn.The maximum spread between bid and ask orders is determined by time to maturity on a given day, in accordance with the following table:Inflation-linked series that are prohibited from further issuance, according to the Central Bank of Iceland’s rule no. 492/2001 on indexation of savings and loans, as subsequently amended, are exempt from the aforementioned obligations on maximum spread.In conjunction with the market-making agreements, Landsbankinn will provide the market makers with bond lending facilities under which each market maker can borrow up to 320m in each benchmark series, and series previously defined as benchmark series.