AKVA group ASA: Initiates share buyback program

AKVA group ASA (“AKVA group” or the “Company”) has decided to initiate a share buyback programme for up to 200,000 shares. The buyback programme will be conducted by market purchases in accordance with the authorization granted to the board of directors by the annual general meeting on 7 May 2020. Buyback transactions will be executed according to the market price on the Oslo Stock Exchange, and the maximum consideration to be paid per share under the program is NOK 150.The programme will be initiated today and terminated on 31 March 2021 at the latest. AKVA group may at any time without further notice close or suspend the programme.Shares purchased under the programme will be used for the Company’s share-based incentive scheme for the Company’s senior management.The maximum number of shares which may be purchased in any one day is limited to 50% of the average daily volume of AKVA group shares traded in the 20 trading days preceding the day of purchase.The share buyback programme is managed by and will be executed by Sparebank 1 Markets AS on behalf of AKVA group.Dated: 29 September 2020
AKVA group ASAWeb: www.akvagroup.comCONTACTS:
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