Half-year report – RIAS A/S

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
PO Box 1040
DK-1007 Copenhagen K

Roskilde, May 2024

                        RIAS A/S


1 October 2023 – 31 March 2024

CVR 44 06 51 18


Company Announcement No 8 of 14. May 2024



Management’s Review

Company Announcement No 8 of 14 May 2023

The Board of Directors has today adopted the half-year report for the period 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Highlights of H1:

Operating results:

  • Revenue amounted to TDKK 136,5, which is a 4.2% decrease compared to the first half of the financial year 2022/23. The decrease is partly due to the long winter and challenging markets with high interest rates and low activity level.
  • The development in the Industry Division reflects that the demand has been declining in both the domestic market and the export sector for semi-finished products. The development covers great variations within the demand from different industries where i.a. product areas in the Viscom sector have been declining. The processing area is developing as planned.
  • The revenue of the Building & Construction Division is in line with the budget and above the same period in 2022/23.
  • Capacity costs have increased compared to the most recent financial year. This is due to reorganizations and investments in more IT security. Salaries have been under pressure due to a combination of less people available in the market and expectations to have the inflation covered. Investments have continued in strategic development areas such as the processing area and the export. This is to strengthen the development going forward. Investments in the Green transition has also been carried out and in Q2 the solar panels contribute to the reduction of Co2 emission. Replacement of diesel driven cars to electric cars are still in focus and proceeding as planned with additional charging stations installed as well.
  • Sales and financial performance for the first half of the financial year 2023/24 are below expectations but the beginning of second half of 2023/24 has shown higher sales and better financial performance,

Karsten Due, CEO, comments as follows on the half-year financial Statements 2023/24:

  • Reflecting on a challenging first half-year: The first half-year has been marked by challenges, where we met our budget targets in Q1 but faced challenges in Q2. The long winter period and the early occurrence of Easter in 2024 have posed challenges to our revenue and earnings in Q2, contributing to our inability to meet our budget for the first half of 2024.
  • Positive signs in April: Despite the challenges in the second quarter, we are pleased to report that we have observed very positive signs in the month of April. We note with satisfaction that we already see a significant recovery of the losses from the second quarter, especially in terms of revenue.
  • Delivery challenges due to lack of raw materials and geopolitical uncertainty: Additionally, we have observed a trend of insufficient raw materials, leading to delivery challenges in semifinished materials. This development has added complexity to our business, but we remain vigilant in addressing these issues to ensure minimal disruption to our delivery performance. It’s also important to note the geopolitical uncertainty prevailing in the global landscape, particularly concerning the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. These conflicts pose potential risks to our supply chains and market stability, and we are closely monitoring the situation to mitigate any adverse effects on our operations.

Outlook for H2 2023/24:

Based on the development in H1 and taking the development mentioned above into consideration for H2, the board of directors keep the expectations of an adjusted EBIT result for the financial year 2023/24 in the range of DKK 16-18 million as announced in the annual report 2022/23.

Roskilde, 14 May 2024

Karsten Due                        

Financial Highlights
        1/10-2023-        1/10-2022-         1/10-2022-        
Income statement (DKK million)         31/3-2024        31/3-2023         30/9-2023        

Revenue        136.5        142.5        313.1
Cost of sales        92.3        95.5        209.6
Gross profit        44.2        47.0        103.5
Capacity costs        43.2        42.1        86.6
Profit/loss before special items        1.0        4.9        16.9
Special items        0        0        0
Profit/loss before financial income         1.0        4.9        16.9
Financial items net        0        0.5        -0.9
Profit/loss before tax        1.0        4.4        16.0
Tax on profit/loss for the period        0.2          0.9        3,5
Net profit/loss for the period        0.8         3.5        12.5

Balance sheet, end of period (DKK million)        
Non-current assets        117.3        121.7        122.5
Current assets        115.6        114.8        131.9
Assets        232.9        236.5        252.4
Equity        179.5        178.2        187.2
Deferred tax        9.8        9.5        9.8
Non-current liabilities        3.2        6.1        4.2
Current liabilities        40.4        42.7        51.2
Liabilities and equity        232.9        236.5        252.4

Cash flows (DKK million)
Cash flows from operating activities        -5.6        10.3        26.9
Cash flows from investing activities        -0.9        -2.6        -4.9
Cash flows from financing activities        -11.4        -14.3        -16.1
Total cash flows        -17.9        -6.6        5.9
Average number of full-time employees        105        105        104

Financial ratios:
Accounting ratios:
Gross margin        32%         33%        33%
Profit margin before special items        1%        3%        5%
Profit margin        1%        3%        5%
Solvency ratio, end of period         77%        76%        74%
Share ratios:
Profit per DKK 100 share        3,33        14.93        37        
Equity value per DKK 100 share, end of period        778        772        812
Market price per DKK 100 share, end of period         660        635        670         

The rations have been calculated in accordance with the definitions below. Profit per share which have been calculated in accordance with IAS 33.

Definitions of financial ratios:
Gross margin is calculated as gross profit in % of revenue.
Profit margin before special items is calculated as profit/loss before special items in % of revenue.
Profit margin is calculated as profit/loss before financials and tax in % of revenue.
Book value per DKK 100 share is calculated as equity end of period divided by 1/100 of the share capital.
Profit per DKK 100 share are calculated as profit/loss for the period divided by 1/100 of the share capital after deduction of the Company’s holding of own shares end of period.
Solvency ratio is calculated as equity end of period in % of balance sheet total end of period.

Shareholder information
Share capital:
The Company’s share capital, DKK 23,063k, is distributed on DKK 3,125k A shares and DKK 19,938k B shares.

A shares, which are non-negotiable instruments, carry 10 votes per DKK 100 share, see article 11 of the Articles of Association. B shares, which are negotiable instruments, carry 1 vote per DKK 100 share, see article 11 of the Articles of Association.

The B-shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S.

The Board of Directors and the Executive Board do not hold any shares in RIAS A/S.

Contact, Investor Relations:
For more information concerning investor relations and the share market, please contact:

Karsten Due, CEO
Tel: +45 46 77 00 00
E-mail: KAD@rias.dk

Management’s Statement

The Board of Directors and the Executive Board have today considered and adopted the Half-year Report of RIAS A/S for the period 1 October 2023 – 31 March 2024.

The Half-year Report, which has not been audited or reviewed by the Company’s auditor, is prepared in accordance with IAS 34 ”Interim Financial Reporting” as adopted by the EU as well as Danish disclosure requirements for listed companies.

In our opinion, the Half-year Report gives a true and fair view of the financial position at 31 March 2024 of the Company and of the results of the Company’s operations and cash flows for the period 1 October 2023 – 31 March 2024.

Moreover, in our opinion, Management’s Review gives a true and fair view of the development in the Company’s activities and finances, the results for the period and the Company’s financial position as a whole as well as a description of the most significant risks and elements of uncertainty to which the Company is exposed.

Roskilde, 14 May 2024
Executive Board:

Karsten Due                        Dannie Michaelsen
CEO                        CFO

Board of Directors:

Astrid Meicherczyk          Peter Sørensen
Chairman         Vice-chairman

Nicolas Neuwirth                  Dieter Wetzel

June Svendsen         Jette Duus

Statement of Comprehensive Income

      1/10 2023-   1/10 2022-   1/10 2022-
Amounts in DKK ’000 Note 31/3 2024   31/3 2023   30/9 2023
Revenue  3 136.517   142.550   313.114
Cost of sales   -92.347   -95.472   -209.621
Gross profit   44.170   47.078   103.523
Distribution expenses   -38.403   -36.108   -73.644
Administrative expenses   -4.798   -5.964   -12.946

Profit/loss before financial income and expenses

  969   4.934   16.933
Financial income   692   113   313
Financial expenses   -675   -632   -1.252
Profit/loss before tax   986   4.415   15.994
Tax on profit/loss for the period   -217   -971   -3.487
Net profit/loss for the period   769   3.444   12.507
Other comprehensive income   0   0   0
Comprehensive income for the period   769   3.444   12.507


Earnings per share:
Earnings per share
  3,33   14.93   54.20
Earnings per share, diluted   3,33   14.93   54.20


Balance Sheet

Amounts in DKK ’000 Note 31/3 2024   31/3 2023   30/9 2023
Non-current assets            
Intangible assets 4 53.124   53.274   53.197
Property, plant and equipment 5 56.793   58.281   58.693
Right on use assets 6 7.417   10.114   8.570
Total non-current assets   117.334   121.669   120.460
Current assets            
Inventories 7 33.023   33.429   28.388
Receivables 8 54.431   49.423   58.130
Prepayments   5.195   4.241   4.720
Cash at bank and in hand   22.387   27.751   40.714
Corporation tax   572   0   0
Total current assets   115.608   114.884   131.952
Total assets   232.942   236.513   252.412
Liabilities and equity            
Equity   179.452   178.153   187.216
Non-current liabilities            
Deferred tax   9.789   9.464   9.789
Lease liabilities   3.227   6.143   4.238
Total non-current liabilities   13.016   15.607   14.027
Current liabilities            
Lease liabilities 5.077   4.317   4.658
Trade payables and other 9
35.397   37.817   43.733
Corporation tax   0   619   2.778
Total current liabilities   40.474   42.753   51.169
Total liabilities   53.490   58.360   65.196
Total liabilities and equity   232.942   236.513   252.412

Other notes, see pages 13 – 16                 

Statement of Changes in Equity

1 October 2023 – 31 March 2024                
    Share capital Revaluation reserve   Retained earnings   Proposed dividend   Total
Equity at 1 October 2023 23.063 1.898   153.722   8.533   187.216
Comprehensive income for the
0 0   769   0   769
Dividend paid 0 0   0   -8.533   -8.533
Equity at 31 March 2024 23.063 1.898   154.492   0   179.452
1 October 2022 – 31 March 2023                
    Share capital Revaluation reserve   Retained earnings   Proposed dividend   Total
Equity at 1 October 2022 23.063 1.898   149.748   11.532   186.241
Comprehensive income for the
0 0   3.444   0   3.444
Dividend paid 0 0   0   -11.532   -11.532
Equity at 31 March 2023 23.063 1.898   153.192   0   178.153

Cash Flow Statement

          1/10 2023 –   1/10 2022 –  
Amounts in DKK ’000         31/3 2024   31/3 2023  
Net profit/loss for the period       987   4.417  
Adjustment for non-cash operating items etc:            
Tax on profit/loss for the period       217   917  
Depreciation and amortisation       4.411   4.440  
Profit or loss on sale of property, plant and equipment and financial assets   0   -40  
Financial income       -692   -104  
Financial expenses       675   622  
Cash flows from operating activities before changes in working capital   5.598   10.306  
Adjustment for changes in working capital:        
Changes in inventories       -4.634   -9.224  
Changes in receivables (and prepayments)   3.224   18.784  
Changes in trade payables and other payables   -6.874   -5.571  
Cash flows before financial income and expenses and tax   -2.686   14.295  
Financial income, paid   563   113  
Financial expenses, paid   -153   -279  
Corporation tax paid       -3.350   -3.863  
Cash flows from operating activities       -5.626   10.266  
Purchase of intangible assets       0   0  
Purchase of property, plant and equipment       -876   -2.561  
Sale of property, plant and equipment       0   0  
Cash flows from investing activities     -876   -2.561  
Payments on lease liability       -2.899   -2.849  
Dividend paid       -8.533   -11.532  
Cash flows from financing activities     -11.432   -14.381  
Cash flows for the period       -17.934   -6.676  
Currency regulation cash         -393   -352  
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 October       40.714   34.779  
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March       22.387   27.751  


Note 1. Accounting policies

The Interim Report is presented in accordance with IAS 34, Presentation of Interim Reports, as adopted by the EU and Danish disclosure requirements relating to listed companies.

The accounting policies remain unchanged from those applied in the Annual Report for 2022/23. The Annual Report for 2022/23 contains the full description and can therefore be found there.

Note 2. Accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of the half-year Report requires Management to make accounting estimates that affect the application of the accounting policies as well as the recognition of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from such estimates.

When preparing the half-year Report, the most material estimates made by Management in connection with the application of the accounting policies and the most material uncertainty in this respect are the same as in connection with the preparation of the Financial Statements for 2022/23, to which reference is made.

Note 3. Revenue

Note 5. Property, plant and equipment





Land and buildings




Plant and machinery

Fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment  





Cost at 1 October 2023   66.382 37.953 22.158 126.493
Additions for the period   0 876 0 876
Disposals for the period   0 0 0 0
Cost at 31 March 2024   66.382 38.829 22.158 127.369
Depreciation at 1 October 2023   -27.453 -21.935 -19.283 -68.671
Depreciation for the period   -193 -1.366 -346 -1.905
Reversed depreciation on disposals for the period   0 0 0 0
Depreciation at 31 March 2024   -27.646 -23.301 -19.629 -70.576
Carrying amount at 31 March 2024 38.736 15.528 2.529 56.793
Cost at 1 October 2022   66.382 34.034 22.033 122.449
Additions for the period   0 2.476 85 2.561
Disposals for the period   0 0 0 0
Cost at 31 March 2023   66.382 36.510 22.118 125.010
Depreciation at 1 October 2022   -27.069 -19.235 -18.478 -64.874
Depreciation for the period   -193 -1.261 -403 -1.857
Reversed depreciation on disposals for the period   0 0 0 0
Depreciation at 31 March 2023   -27.262 -20.586 -18.881 -66.729
Carrying amount at 31 March 2023 39.120 15.924 3.237 58.281

Note 6. Right on use assets




Land & buildings Other fixtures and fittings tools and equipment Total
Cost at 1 October 2023 18.789 5.422 24.211
Additions for the period 0 1.281 1.281
Disposals for the period 0 0 0
Cost at 31 March 2024 18.789 6.703 25.492
Depreciation at 1 October 2023 -12.336 -3.305 -15.641
Depreciation for the period -1.629 -805 -2.434
Disposals of depreciations 0 0 0
Depreciations at 31 March 2024 -13.965 -4.110 -18.075
Cost at 31 March 2024 4.824 2.593 7.417

Note 6. Right on use assets continued




Land & buildings Other fixtures and fittings tools and equipment Total
Cost at 1 October 2022 18.283 5.763 24.046
Additions for the period 0 1.044 1.044
Disposals for the period 0 0 0
Cost at 31 March 2023 18.283 6.807 25.090
Depreciation at 1 October 2022 -9.334 -2.903 -12.237
Depreciation for the period -1.624 -1.115 -2.739
Disposals of depreciations 0 0 0
Depreciations at 31 March 2023 -109.58 -4.018 -14.976
Cost at 31 March 2023 7.325 2.789 10.114

Note 7. Inventories



    31/3 2024   31/3 2023
Inventories are specified as follows:          
Goods for resale     35.588   36.408
Write-down at 1 October     -2.565   -2.979
Write-downs for the period     0   0
Write-down at 31 March     -2.565   -2.979
      33.023   33.429

Note 8. Receivables



    31/3 2024   31/3 2023
Trade receivables     53.101   47.650
Receivables from group enterprises     88   193
Other receivables


      54.431   49.423
Write-down for bad debts is specified as follows:        
Write-down at 1 October     -1.523   -1.447
Write-downs for the period     784   80
Write-down at 31 March     -739   -1.367

Note 9. Trade payables and other payables



31/3 2024   31/3 2023
Trade payables     19.122   18.332
Payables to group enterprises     237   362
Accrued VAT     4.956   5.251
Holiday pay accrual     1.777   1.416
Other payables     9.305   12.456
      35.397   37.817

Note 10. Contingencies and other financial commitments

Since the issue of the Financial Statements 2023/24, there have been no significant changes that have not been disclosed in this Half-year Report.

Note 11. Subsequent events

After the Half-year Report balance sheet date, no significant events have occurred that have not been incorporated and sufficiently disclosed in this Half-year Report.


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