Convocation annual general meeting
Regulated information
Nazareth (Belgium)/Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 10 April 2020Convocation annual general meeting The board of directors of Fagron NV (the Company) has the honour of inviting the holders of securities and warrants to attend the annual general shareholders’ meeting which will be held at the statutory seat of the Company to which the shareholders are requested to participate via audio/video conference, on Monday 11 May 2020 at 3 p.m. CET (Belgian time). The convening notice and other documents relating to the shareholders’ meeting can be consulted on the Company’s website.At Fagron everyone’s health is our first concern. We therefore feel the responsibility to take some extraordinary measures in the framework of the recent COVID-19 (Corona-virus) pandemic, among which the request to participate in the annual shareholders meeting via audio/video conference, in order to safeguard your health to the greatest extend possible. The shareholders are requested to consult these measures on the Company’s website.In the event of differences between the English translation and the Dutch original of this press release, the latter prevails.For more information
Constantijn van Rietschoten
Chief Communications Officer
Tel. +31 6 53 69 15 85
constantijn.van.rietschoten@fagron.comPlease open the link below for the press release:
Convocation annual general meeting