Bonduelle – Activity and profitability expected below target for 2021-2022 and fair value of the North America fresh business assets under review
A French SCA (Partnership Limited by Shares) with a capital of 57 102 699,50 Euros
Head Office: La Woestyne 59173 Renescure, France
Registered under number: 447 250 044 (Dunkerque Commercial and Companies Register)
Activity and profitability expected below target for 2021-2022
and fair value of the North America fresh business assets under review
The Bonduelle Group has indicated that, considering the preliminary business indicators for the fourth quarter of the 2021-2022 fiscal year, on the one hand, an unprecedented wave of inflation affecting all cost components, which became stronger over the period, on the other hand, and lastly, given that the recovery of its fresh business in North America has begun but is more difficult than expected, growth in revenues and current operating margin should be below the communicated guidances of respectively +3% and 3.6% on a like-for-like basis* for the full year.
The difficulties encountered by the Bonduelle Fresh Americas business unit lead the group to review its medium-term profitability prospects, which may result in the impairment of tangible and/or intangible assets and deferred tax assets of this business.
* at constant currency exchange rate and scope of consolidation basis.
Press Contacts :
For Bonduelle :
Benjamin ZEHNDER – RP carrées – Tel : +33 (0)6 76 41 18 19
Vanessa VAZZAZ – RP carrées – Tel : +33 (0)6 34 32 24 23
About the Bonduelle Group
We want to inspire the transition toward a plant-based diet, to contribute to people’s well-being and planet health. We are a French family business with 11,900 employees and we have been innovating with our farming partners since 1853. Our products are cultivated on 73,000 acres and marketed in 100 countries.
Our 4 strong brands are Bonduelle, Ready Pac Foods, Cassegrain and Globus
Bonduelle is listed on Euronext compartment B
Bonduelle is part of the Gaïa non-financial performance index and employee shareholder index (I.A.S.)
Code ISIN : FR0000063935 – Code Reuters : BOND.PA – Code Bloomberg : BON FP
Find out about the group’s current events and news on Twitter @Bonduelle_Group, and its financial news on @BonduelleCFO