A good start to the summer season means that Tivoli raises expectations for 2022
The positive start of the summer season in Tivoli has continued throughout May and well into June with a significantly increased number of guests and higher use of the facilities of the Tivoli Gardens. On this basis Tivoli raises expectations for 2022.
The latest announced expectations for 2022 was revenue in the range of DKK 850-950 million and the expectation of a marginally positive result before tax. Tivoli now expects a revenue at the level of DKK 1,000 million as well as a profit before tax in the range of DKK 25-50 million.
”Tivoli has had a good start to the summer season. The first couple of months of the season have shown significantly more guests than expected and they have indeed made use of the amusement rides in the Gardens, food and beverages offers and the cultural activities. Among the many events we had, Tivoli Food Festival was a huge success. This creates optimism around the many coming events, concerts and shows throughout the summer, among those the Tour de France Team presentation and a number of international celebration days in the near future. The positive welcome by Tivoli’s guests and the gradually increasing number of tourists engender optimism and higher expectations for 2022.” says CEO Susanne Mørch Koch.
Tivoli’s outlook presumes no new restrictions due to COVID-19, and that the level of activity continues to rise for the rest of the year and thereby continues to get nearer to historical levels.
Best regard
Tom Knutzen Susanne Mørch Koch
Chairman CEO
Contact person: Head of press, Torben Plank tlf. 22237440 / tpl@tivoli.dk