Kvika banki hf.: Changes in Management
Magnús Ingi Einarsson, who has acted as managing director of Kvika banki hf.’s (“Kvika” or “the bank”) banking division in recent years, has resigned from his post and will cease working for the bank in the next few days.
Ólöf Jónsdóttir, who has acted as managing director of Kvika’s operations and development division since April 2021, has been appointed as new managing director of banking.
Ólöf has around 15 years of experience in the financial market. She started working for Kvika in 2017, first as head of organisational development and operations and later as head of fintech. In April 2020 Ólöf took a job as CEO of Lykill fjármögnun hf., a position she held until the merger of Kvika, Lykill and TM in April 2021, at which time she took a seat in Kvika’s management board.
Anna Rut Ágústsdóttir has been appointed as new managing director of operations and development. Anna has acted as head of finance and operations at Kvika eignastýring hf., Kvika’s subsidiary, since the beginning of 2020. She has worked for the Kvika group and its predecessors since 2007, among other things as head of credit risk at Straumur fjárfestingarbanki hf. in 2012 – 2015.
Along with these changes, Thomas Skov Jenssen, who has acted as Kvika’s head of risk, will take a seat in Kvika’s management board, as managing director of risk. Thomas has acted as head of risk for Kvika and the bank’s predecessor MP banki hf. since the year 2007.
Marinó Örn Tryggvason, CEO:
“Magnús Ingi has worked for the bank and its predecessors since 2006, been part of the management board since 2015 and played a key role in developing the bank that Kvika is today.
I have worked with Magnús since I started working for Kvika just over five years ago. Magnús welcomed me and Ármann Þorvaldsson, former CEO, and played a big part in us adapting quickly. Magnús has been a great coworker and I want to express my thanks for his valuable work for Kvika and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.”