Šiaulių Bankas has established a special purpose vehicle
On April 5, 2022 Šiaulių Bankas established a special purpose vehicle – SB Modernizavimo Fondas UAB, legal entity code: 306057616, registered office address Tilžės st.149, Šiauliai, 76348.
The goal of establishment of the SB Modernizavimo Fondas is to manage the Fund to be set up to finance multi-apartment buildings renovation projects, thus entering the final phase of the project. The Bank will inform about the launch of the Fund by a separate announcement.
The aim of the unique multi-apartment building renovation financing Fund is to lend funds raised from private and institutional investors to energy efficiency projects in Lithuania. Šiaulių Bankas, as a leader in multi-apartment renovation financing in the country, is the founder of the Fund and the administrator of the renovation loans, while SB Modernizavimo Fondas UAB is the legal manager.
Additional information:
Goda Butkienė
Director, Financial Services Development Department
+37068243241 goda.butkiene@sb.lt