MCH Group | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR | New art fair in Paris
Art Basel selected to stage new contemporary art fair in Paris
MCH Group Ltd., based in Basel/Switzerland, announces that Art Basel has been awarded a seven-year contract to stage a new contemporary art fair in Paris, following a public competition initiated by the “Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais” in December last year.
Launching in October 2022, the new art event will take place at the temporary venue “Grand Palais Éphémère” until the restoration of the “Grand Palais” is completed in 2024. Together with the “Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais”, Art Basel will strive to create a fair truly rooted in the twenty-first century that radiates throughout the city and is firmly embedded in Paris and its cultural and creative industries.
MCH Group intends to establish a new French legal entity and employ a dedicated team on the ground. It is planed to develop an identity and a brand specific to the Parisian fair.
“City Activation is a key element in our strategy,” says Beat Zwahlen, CEO of MCH Group. “We’ve demonstrated before that we’re able to successfully build events in other locations that create tremendous economic impact.” Andrea Zappia, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MCH Group, underlines: “Basel is and will remain our home base, and we are 100% committed to our existing Art Basel events in Basel, Miami Beach and Hong-Kong. Paris has become a major destination for the creative world and we welcome this opportunity to build something truly original for the French art market and culture industries.”
Media Relations:
Emanuel Kuhn
Head of Corporate Communications
+41 58 206 22 43
Investor Relations:
Christian Jecker
+ 41 58 206 22 52