IGE+XAO: Termination of the liquidity contract signed with PORTZAMPARC Brokerage Firm
Société Anonyme with capital of 5,021,866.85 euros
Head office : 16 Boulevard Déodat de Séverac
338 514 987 RCS Toulouse
SIRET: 338 514 987 000 76 – VAT number: FR 783.385.149.87
Regulated information
Termination of the liquidity contract signed with PORTZAMPARC Brokerage Firm
Toulouse, on 10 January 2022
The company IGE+XAO announces the termination the liquidity contract granted to PORTZAMPARC Brokerage Firm (suspendedfrom 31 July 2018 and until 31 December 2021), with effect on 1 January 2022.
On the date of termination of this liquidity contract, the following assets were booked to the liquidity account:
- 2,366 shares IGE +XAO
- Cash: € 140,277.95
It is reminded that during its implementation, the following means were included in the liquidity contract:
- 2,500 shares IGE + XAO,
- €49,250 in cash,
(Additional inflow of €50,000 on 14 October 2008)
(Additional inflow of €50,000 on 22 January 2016)
At the time of the last half-year statement regarding this liquidity contract, on 30 June 2021, the following assets were booked to the liquidity account:
- 2,366 shares IGE +XAO
- Cash: € 140,277.95
In addition, no transactions were carried out between 1 July 2021 and 31 December 2021, as the liquidity contract was suspended.
About the IGE+XAO Group
For over 35 years, the IGE+XAO Group has been a software publisher designing, producing, selling and supporting a range of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Simulation software dedicated to Electrical Engineering. These software products have been designed to help companies in the design and maintenance of the electrical part of any type of installation. This type of CAD/PLM/Simulation is called “Electrical CAD/PLM/Simulation”. IGE+XAO employs more than 370 people around the world in 30 sites and in 20 countries, and has more than 96,455 licenses distributed around the world. IGE+XAO is a reference in its field. For more information: http://www.ige-xao.com. Follow us on Twitter @igexao_corpo.
IGE+XAO Group contacts
IGE+XAO Group, 16 boulevard Déodat de Séverac – CS 90 312 – 31 773 COLOMIERS CEDEX
Phone: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 36 – Fax: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 37
Website: www.ige-xao.com
Listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment B – Index CAC All shares® – ISIN FR 0000030827
Analysts/Investors: Alain Di Crescenzo (Chairman of the Group) +33 (0)5 62 74 36 36
Press Contact: Rozenn Nerrand-Destouches: +33 (0) 5 62 74 36 02