PRESS RELEASE: SSH has been certified as a Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner
PRESS RELEASE: SSH has been certified as a Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner
Helsinki, Finland
SSH announced today that it has been certified as a Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner. This certification is used by Nasdaq to signal engagement in market transparency and in raising environmental standards. The Nasdaq ESG Matrix includes data points from Environmental, Social, Corporate Governance as well as Future Sustainability Goals all of which SSH considers in its operation.
“This certification is a welcome recognition of SSH’s go-to-action on contributing to global climate risk management as well as transparency and social equality and this is a good milestone for work started in 2020”, says Dr. Teemu Tunkelo, CEO of SSH. “SSH is committed to reducing its carbon footprint in all our operations and we aim for a high overall ESG performance. To do this we have several measurable initiatives ongoing together with our personnel as well as our partners. We consider among other things the sustainability of our sites, water efficiency, energy use and atmosphere, waste management as well as indoor environmental quality when procuring services, leases, or equipment and work towards contributing our share in making business in a sustainable way”, Dr. Tunkelo continues.
SSH is in the process of building our comprehensive ESG and climate strategy performance metrics which we will publish in the Annual Report of the fiscal year 2022.
For more information:
Kristian Nieminen
SSH Communications Security Plc
+358 50 3777970
About SSH
SSH helps organizations safeguard their mission-critical digital assets at rest, in transit, and in use. We have 5,000+ customers worldwide, including 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies, and major organizations in Finance, Government, Retail, and Industrial segment.
We are committed to helping our customers secure their business in the age of hybrid cloud and distributed IT and OT solutions. Our Zero Trust solutions offer safe electronic communications, secure access to servers and between servers. Our teams in North America, Europe, Asia along with a global network of certified partners ensure customer success. The company’s shares (SSH1V) are listed on Nasdaq OMX Helsinki.