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Aéroports de Paris SA – September 2021 traffic figures


October 14th, 2021

Aéroports de Paris SA
September 2021 traffic figures

Groupe ADP total traffic1 is up by +8.7 million passengers in September 2021 compared to September 2020, with 18.0 million passengers welcomed for the entire network of operated airports. It stands at 56.9% of the September 2019 group traffic1.

In September 2021, at Paris Aéroport alone, the traffic increased by +2.3 million passengers compared to September 2020, with 4.7 million passengers welcomed. It stands at 50.1% of the September 2019 Paris Aéroport traffic. In September 2021, Paris-Charles de Gaulle welcomed 2.9 million passengers (+1.5 million passengers2), at 42.6% of the September 2019 traffic, and Paris-Orly 1.8 million passengers (+0.8 million passengers2), at 69.8% of the September 2019 traffic.

At Paris-Charles de Gaulle, terminals 2A, 2B, 2D, 2E and 2F are currently open in order to handle the entirety of commercial passenger flights. At Paris-Orly, all the sectors are open, with the exception of boarding gates B at Orly 1.

Regarding Groupe ADP’s international platforms, the Hajj terminal at Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and Nosy Be airport in Madagascar are closed. The other airports are open to commercial flights, although some local restrictions may apply, especially to international flights. Chile has reopened its borders since October 1st, 2021 to non-resident foreigners under certain health conditions. In Mauritius, travelers meeting certain health conditions are exempt from quarantine since October 1st, 2021. India is scheduled to gradually reopen its borders to foreign tourists as of October 15th, 2021.

In Paris Aéroport and in September 20212:

  • International traffic (excluding Europe, including French Overseas Territories) was up compared to 2020 (+0.9 million passengers2), at 41.4% of the September 2019 traffic, due to growth of all the destinations: Africa (+354,637 passengers2), at 60.3% of the September 2019 traffic, North America (+307,327 passengers2), at 33.9% of the September 2019 traffic, the Middle East (+122,763 passengers2), at 42.9% of the September 2019 traffic, Latin America (+68,536 passengers2), at 36.4% of the September 2019 traffic, and Asia-Pacific (+13,982 passengers2), at 10.0% of the September 2019 traffic ;
  • European traffic (excluding France) was up (+1.2 million passengers2), at 52.1% of the September 2019 traffic;
  • Traffic within mainland France was up (+187,232 passengers2), at 67.8% of the September 2019 traffic;
  • Traffic with the French Overseas Territories (included within the international traffic) was up (+30,653 passengers2), at 69.1% of the September 2019 traffic ;
  • The number of connecting passengers stood at 466,699, up by +222,710 passengers2, at 43.6% of the September 2019 traffic. The connecting rate stood at 21.1% down by -0.7 point2.

Since the beginning of the year, Groupe ADP total traffic1 is up by +14.5% compared to 2020, at 104.9 million passengers, standing at 39.1% of the group traffic over the same period in 2019, while traffic in Paris Aéroport is down by –5.5%, at 26.3 million passengers, at 31.8% of the traffic over the same period in 2019.

Passenger traffic at TAV Airports, 46.4%-owned by Groupe ADP3, is up by +3.1 million passengers in September 20212, at 7.4 million passengers, standing at 69.1% of the September 2019 traffic. It is up by +67.1% since the beginning of the year compared to the same period in 2020. TAV Airports traffic includes since May 1st, 2021 the traffic of Almaty airport, following the signing of an agreement related to the acquisition of its management company4.

Passenger traffic at Santiago de Chile Airport, 45%-owned by Groupe ADP, was up by +0.7 million passengers in September 20212, at 1.0 million passengers, standing at 50.5% of the September 2019 traffic. It is down by 13.6% since the beginning of the year compared to the same period in 2020.

Passenger traffic at Amman Airport, 51%-owned by Groupe ADP, was up by +0.5 million passengers in September 20212, at 0.6 million passengers, standing at 74.2% of the September 2019 traffic. It is up by +80.4% since the beginning of the year compared to the same period in 2020.

Passenger traffic at GMR Airports, 49%-owned by Groupe ADP since July 20205, was up by +2.0 million passengers in September 20212, at 4.3 million passengers, standing at 52.3% of the September 2019 traffic. It is up by +5.1% since the beginning of the year compared to the same period in 2020.

Passengers Sept. 2021 Change 21/20
(in movements)
Jan. – Sept. 2021 % change 2021/2020 Last 12 months % change 2021/2020
Paris-CDG 2,903,771 +1,549,033 16,126,213 -16.3% 19,110,738 -48.9%
Paris-Orly 1,829,951 +781,192 10,185,369 +19.0% 12,422,590 -21.3%
Total Paris Aéroport 4,733,722 +2,330,225 26,311,582 -5.5% 31,533,328 -40.7%
Santiago de Chile 983,218 +744,727 5,945,764 -13.6% 7,588,933 -40.6%
Amman 557,821 +497,601 3,078,265 +80.4% 3,422,410 -7.9%
New Delhi 3,220,472 +1,543,911 23,363,041 +11.5% 30,914,414 -21.9%
Hyderabad 1,024,993 +382,796 7,639,738 +14.5% 10,504,030 -16.7%
Cebu 90,396 +49,591 757,102 -70.8% 904,394 -84.3%
Total GMR Airports 4,335,861 +1,976,298 31,759,881 +5.1% 42,322,838 -27.0%
Antalya 3,817,111 +1,564,674 16,250,519 +129.7% 18,948,679 +40.8%
Almaty 531,300 +150,431 4,424,772 +76.2% 5,530,363 +33.1%
Ankara 758,748 +358,518 5,000,182 +22.5% 5,975,636 -17.4%
Izmir 862,995 +291,633 5,446,214 +28.2% 6,657,131 -5.9%
Bodrum 476,585 +110,348 2,484,049 +110.3% 2,796,201 +61.1%
Gazipaşa Alanya 88,085 +49,086 447,430 +130.0% 527,355 +40.0%
Medina 142,828 +65,944 1,022,685 -47.4% 1,327,129 -64.6%
Tunisia 72,282 +25,544 391,479 +42.6% 452,068 -31.7%
Georgia 281,285 +258,502 1,539,978 +162.1% 1,593,048 +13.3%
North Macedonia 145,234 +85,831 994,237 +57.2% 1,144,532 -9.0%
Zagreb(6) 191,092 +125,129 877,780 +11.8% 1,017,282 -36.2%
Total TAV Airports(7) 7,367,545 +3,085,640 37,207,718 +67.1% 43,192,226 +8.5%

Aircraft Movements Sept. 2021 Change 21/20
(in movements)
Jan. – Sept. 2021 % change 2021/2020 Last 12 months % change 2021/2020
Paris-CDG 25,226 +7,150 167,033 -2.9% 207,372 -29.0%
Paris-Orly 12,969 +3,749 79,044 +22.6% 97,605 -14.5%
Total Paris Aéroport 38,195 +10,899 246,077 +4.1% 304,977 -24.9%
Santiago de Chile 7,743 +5,191 50,412 +5.0% 65,098 -25.8%
Amman 5,266 +4,203 31,537 +65.9% 36,750 -2.0%
New Delhi 24,792 +9,428 192,749 +23.9% 255,189 -6.9%
Hyderabad 9,579 +2,157 75,679 +16.2% 103,205 -9.6%
Cebu 973 +428 8,959 -63.5% 10,942 -78.8%
Total GMR Airports 35,344 +12,013 277,387 +13.1% 369,336 -16.0%
Antalya 20,517 +8,785 94,979 +120.6% 114,078 +43.2%
Almaty 5,037 +916 41,396 +33.4% 53,536 +13.8%
Ankara 6,150 +2,670 39,570 +29.3% 48,736 -5.1%
Izmir 6,072 +1,595 37,588 +24.3% 47,845 -0.3%
Bodrum 3,361 +991 16,889 +112.6% 19,499 +69.1%
Gazipaşa Alanya 671 +356 3,516 +119.8% 4,202 +47.1%
Medina 1,593 +819 12,937 -14.4% 16,280 -41.9%
Tunisia 561 +71 3,541 +29.6% 4,275 -21.1%
Georgia 3,030 +2,186 19,280 +96.9% 21,552 +19.2%
North Macedonia 1,731 +864 11,203 +60.8% 13,264 +11.7%
Zagreb(6) 3,401 +1,406 20,076 +19.6% 24,796 -9.9%
Total TAV Airports(7) 52,124 +20,659 285,044 +57.0% 339,992 +12.9%

Geographic split
Paris Aéroport (Paris-CDG and Paris-Orly)
Sept. 2021
Change 21/20
(in passengers)
Share of total traffic Jan. Sept. 2021
% change 2021/2020
Share of total traffic
France +187,232 19.6% +4.7% 21.7%
Europe +1,245,095 47.7% -4.9% 41.6%
Other International
Of which
+897,898 32.7% -11.2% 36.7%
Africa +354,637 13.0% +12.0% 14.0%
North America +307,327 8.2% -12.7% 7.0%
Latin America +68,536 1.9% -32.2% 2.2%
Middle-East +122,763 4.0% -15.6% 4.4%
Asia-Pacific +13,982 1.3% -67.4% 1.6%
French Overseas Territories +30,653 4.4% +0.7% 7.5%
Total Paris Aéroport +2,330,225 100.0% -5.5% 100.0%

Paris Aéroport (Paris-CDG and Paris-Orly) Sept. 2021 Change
Jan. Sept. 2021 % change 2021/2020
Connecting Passengers(1) 466,699 +91.3% 2,958,587 -7.3%
Connecting rate 21.1% -0.7pt 22.8% -0.6pt
Seat load factor 74.5% +17.5pts 67.2% -4.9pts

(1) Departing passengers

Investor Relations: Audrey Arnoux. Head of Investor Relations +33 6 61 27 07 39 –
Press contact: Lola Bourget. Head of Medias and Reputation Department +33 1 74 25 23 23

Groupe ADP develops and manages airports. including Paris-Charles de Gaulle. Paris-Orly and Paris-Le Bourget. In 2020. the group handled through its brand Paris Aéroport 33.1 million passengers and 1.8 million metric tons of freight and mail at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly. and more than 96.3 million passengers in airports abroad. Boasting an exceptional geographic location and a major catchment area. the group is pursuing its strategy of adapting and modernizing its terminal facilities and upgrading quality of services; the group also intends to develop its retail and real estate businesses. In 2020. group revenue stood at €2.137 million and net result attributable to the Group at -€1.169 million.
Registered office: 1. rue de France. 93 290 Tremblay-en-France. Aéroports de Paris is a public limited company (Société Anonyme) with share capital of €296.881.806. Registered in the Bobigny Trade and Company Register under no. 552 016 628.

1 Group traffic @100%. Group traffic @100% in 2020 includes the traffic of Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL), Hyderabad International Airport Limited (GHIAL) and Mactan-Cebu International Airport since January 1st, 2019. It also includes Almaty International Airport traffic since May 1st, 2019, 2020 and 2021. Excluding the consolidation of Almaty, group traffic would be 17.5 million passengers in September 2021, up by +8.5 million passengers and 102.1 million passengers since the beginning of the year, up by +11.8 million passengers.
2 Compared to September 2020.

3 Following the implementation of TAV Airports’ share buyback program, Groupe ADP holds, as of 30 September 2020, 46.38% of TAV Airports (compared to 46.12% previously).
4On the acquisition of the management company of Almaty airport, see page 13 of the 2021 half-year results, released on July 28th, 2021.

5 See press releases of 20 and 26 February, and 7 July 2020 on the stake acquisition in GMR Airports.
6 Groupe ADP and TAV Airports have, a shareholding of 21% and 15%, respectively, in Zagreb Airport. To be compliant with TAV Airports presentations, Zagreb Airport traffic figures are integrated into the TAV Airports group traffic figure.
7 TAV Airports’ total traffic and aircraft movements include figures of Almaty International Airport since May 2021.



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