Festi hf.: Buy-back programme week 41 – end of buy-back
In week 41, Festi purchased in total 443,689 own shares for total amount of 94,118,379 ISK as follows:
Week | Date | Time | Purchased shares | Share price | Purchase price |
41 | 11.10.2021 | 11:00:44 | 3.026 | 212,000 | 641.512 |
41 | 11.10.2021 | 12:07:07 | 9.800 | 212,000 | 2.077.600 |
41 | 11.10.2021 | 13:07:29 | 150.000 | 213,000 | 31.950.000 |
41 | 11.10.2021 | 15:24:38 | 87.174 | 212,000 | 18.480.888 |
41 | 12.10.2021 | 10:10:30 | 100.000 | 212,000 | 21.200.000 |
41 | 12.10.2021 | 14:20:02 | 93.689 | 211,000 | 19.768.379 |
443.689 | 94.118.379 |
This announcement of purchase of own shares is in accordance with the buy-back programme announced 20 September 2021 to Nasdaq OMX Iceland. Festi has purchased in total 3,500,000 own shares for 732,506,058 ISK and has finished the buy-back.
Before the purchase Festi held 2,500,000 own shares or 0.77% of issued shares but owns now 6,000,000 own shares or 1.85% of issued shares.
The execution of the buy-back programme is in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Company Act No 2/1995 and annex II to the Regulation on insider information and market abuse No 630/2005.
For further information contact Magnús Kr. Ingason, CFO of Festi hf. (mki@festi.is).