Šiaulių bankas borrows EUR 478.81 million in ECB TLTRO III.9 auction
On 29th September, the Bank borrowed via the ECB’s latest TLTRO III.9 operation EUR 478.81 million for the 3-year term. Loan maturity date is on 25th September 2024 with an early repayment option starting on 29th June 2022. For the banks meeting the lending thresholds, interest rate on loan received via TLTRO III.9 operation can be as low as -1.0% (till 23rd June 2022).
The Bank’s total borrowing allowances for TLTRO-III operations are set by ECB at EUR 628.81 million and being fully used after TLTRO III.9 operation.
Additional information:
Tomas Varenbergas
Head of Treasury and Markets
tel. +370 5 2032 200