2023 no 5 – Ahlsell Danmark ApS has received dispensation from the obligation to make an offer to the shareholders in Sanistål A/S
Aalborg, 18 January 2023
As announced in company announcement no. 17/2022, Ahlsell Danmark ApS (“Ahlsell”) has applied the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority for a dispensation from the obligation to make a mandatory offer to the shareholders in Sanistål A/S. Ahlsell has today announced that Ahlsell has received such a dispensation from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. Reference is made to the attached announcement from Ahlsell.
As stated in the announcement from Ahlsell, the dispensation is granted on the basis of Ahlsell’s initiation of a compulsory acquisition of the minority shareholders in Sanistål A/S. The compulsory acquisition is expected to be completed on 7 February 2023, following which Ahlsell will own 100% of the shares in Sanistål A/S. On that basis, Ahlsell has announced that it will not make a mandatory offer for the minority shareholders’ shares in Sanistål A/S.
The dispensation from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority is attached to this announcement.
Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S has accepted Sanistål’s request for delisting, please refer to company announcement no. 3 / 2023. Consequently, the last day of trading and official listing of the shares in Sanistål (ISIN DK0010245661) on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S is 30 January 2023.
Further information
CEO, Claudio K. Christensen, may be contacted through Pia Kristensen, head of communications at Sanistål, tel. +45 9630 6000, mobile +45 4117 8617.
For questions about Ahlsell’s announcement, Ahlsell may be contacted through Claes Seldeby, Group CEO, Ahlsell AB (publ), +46-8-685 70 00, claes.seldeby@ahlsell.se.
This message has been prepared in both English and Danish. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Danish versions, the Danish version shall prevail.