Day: June 23, 2022
Fly Play hf.: Útgáfa nýs hlutafjár
Stjórn Fly Play hf.: kt. 660319-0180, tók þann 2. júní 2022, ákvörðun um að hækka hlutafé félagsins um kr. 303.030 að nafnvirði, úr kr. 703.030.301 í kr. 703.333.331, að nafnverði, með útgáfu 303.030 nýrra hluta.
Hlutirnir eru gefnir út til efnda á kaupréttarsamningum sem félagið gerði við tiltekna starfsmenn og eru gefnir út á genginu 8.
Heimild stjórnar til að hækka hlutafé félagsins er til samræmis við samþykktir félagsins en samkvæmt heimildinni hafa hluthafar ekki forgangsrétt að nýjum hlutum, heldur er stjórn heimilt að gefa út hluti til efnda skuldbindinga félagsins skv. kaupréttarsamningum.
Fyrirtækjaskrá hefur nú afgreitt tilkynningu um hækkun hlutafjár og hefur félagið óskað eftir að framangreindir hlutir verði teknir til viðskipa á First North og er áætlað að fyrsti viðskiptadagur verði 24....
Aurora Mobile’s Subsidiary SendCloud Partners with Cloud Computing Service Platform UCloud to Jointly Boost Customer Reach
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SHENZHEN, China, June 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aurora Mobile Limited (NASDAQ: JG) (“Aurora Mobile” or the “Company”), a leading provider of customer engagement and marketing technology services in China, today announced that its subsidiary Wuhan SendCloud Technology Co., Ltd. (“SendCloud”) has entered into a strategic partnership with UCloud Technology Co., Ltd. (“UCloud”). Leveraging its years of technical expertise and experience in email services, SendCloud will help UCloud enhance its customer reach. This partnership is a testament to SendCloud’s leading position and strong capabilities in email and SMS messaging services.
UCloud is an independently-operated secure cloud computing service platform. As a pure independent cloud business, UCloud is free of potential conflicts of interest with its customers. UCloud...
EnviroGold Global Announces Stock Options Grants, Retaining Top Tier Talent Critical to Producing Metals Without Mining
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TORONTO, June 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EnviroGold Global Limited (CSE: NVRO | OTCQB: ESGLF | FSE: YGK) (“EnviroGold Global” or the “Company”), a Clean Technology Company accelerating the world’s transition to a circular-resource economy through the production of Metals Without Mining, announces that it has granted, effective after market close on June 22, 2022, an aggregate of 3,528,150 stock options (each, an “Option”) to directors, officers and employees of the Company in accordance with the Company’s stock option plan.
Each Option is exercisable for a period of five (5) years to acquire one common share in the capital of the Company (each a “Share”) at a price of $0.265 per Share, being the closing price of the Shares on the Canadian Securities Exchange on June 22, 2022. All Options vested on issuance. This...
Capped floaters remain closed for new lending – Nykredit Realkredit A/S
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To Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S
Capped floaters remain closed for new lending
On 18 May Nykredit/Totalkredit announced that the two capped floaters funding new loans at the time would be closed for new lending with effect from 23 May until further notice. At the same time it was announced that a new capped floater maturing on 1 July 2034, ISIN DK0009537334, would open for new lending on 1 July 2022 following reference rate spread fixing at a refinancing auction in May.
It is still our view that market conditions are inadequate to make capped floaters an attractive product. Therefore, the new capped floater, DK0009537334, will not open for new lending on 1 July. Nykredit/Totalkredit continuously monitor market conditions, including the need to open new bonds to be able to offer our customers an attractive floating rate product...
ForFarmers N.V.: Chris Deen appointed as CEO during Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ForFarmers N.V.
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Earnings Releases And Operating Results.
Lochem, 23rd of June 2022
Chris Deen appointed as CEO during Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ForFarmers N.V.
The shareholders of ForFarmers today resolved to appoint Mr C.N. Deen as Executive Board member as per 1 July 2022.
This resolution was taken during the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of ForFarmers N.V., which was held today and which was available for participation by audio webcast. Chris Deen will fulfill the position of Chief Executive Officer.
This press release contains information which qualifies as inside information within the meaning of Article 7, paragraph 1 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.
Note to the editor / For additional information:Caroline Vogelzang, Director Investor RelationsT: 0031 573 288 194 M: 0031 6 10 94 91 61E:
Company profileForFarmers...
With 9.76% CAGR, In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity Market to Hit $7.68 Billion by 2027 | Fortune Business Insights™
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Mergers And Acquisitions.
Companies Covered in In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity Market are Astronics Corporation (U.S.), Burrana Pty Ltd (Australia), Collins Aerospace (U.S.), FDS Avionics Corp. (U.S.), Global Eagle Entertainment, Inc. (U.S.), Gogo LLC (U.S.), Honeywell International Inc (U.S.), Lufthansa Systems GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Panasonic Avionics Corporation (U.S.), Safran (France), Sitaonair (Switzerland), SmartSky Networks, LLC (U.S.), Thales Group (France), Viasat, Inc. (U.S.) and Other key players
Pune, India , June 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global in-flight entertainment & connectivity market is projected to grow at a fast pace during the projected period due to the increasing demand for entertainment and enhanced traveling experience for the passengers. Fortune Business Insights™ publishes this information in a...
Share Buyback Transaction Details June 16 – June 22, 2022
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Share Buyback Transaction Details June 16 – June 22, 2022
June 23, 2022 – Wolters Kluwer today reports that it has repurchased 118,300 of its own ordinary shares in the period from June 16, 2022, up to and including June 22, 2022, for €10.1 million and at an average share price of €85.68.
These repurchases are part of the share buyback program announced on February 23, 2022, under which we intend to repurchase shares for up to €600 million during 2022.
The cumulative amounts repurchased to date under this program are as follows:
Share Buyback 2022Period
Cumulative shares repurchased in period
Total consideration(€ million)
Average share price(€)2022 to date
91.94For the period starting May 5, 2022, up to and including August 1, 2022, we have engaged a third party...
Atos awarded MareNostrum5 supercomputer contract by EuroHPC JU for Barcelona Supercomputing Center
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Paris, France – June 23, 2022 – Atos, leading a consortium of technology suppliers, today announces that it has been chosen to provide the pre-exascale system to be hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, in Spain, as part of the EuroHPC JU (European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking). MareNostrum5 will rank amongst the world’s top supercomputers and will pave the way toward exascale capabilities: the next supercomputing era.
This new system will support the EU’s mission to provide European scientists and industry with access to cutting-edge HPC infrastructures and services, with the main objective to strengthen medical research capabilities across Europe. Atos is already supporting Europe’s HPC capabilities by providing pre-exascale systems for five other EuroHPC projects out of eight.
With a power capacity up to 314...
Three New Top Managers To Join Telia Lietuva
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The Board of Telia Lietuva has approved a new structure of the Company and appointed the heads of the Consumer, Marketing, and Digitisation & Analytics units from within the Company.
The changes in the Company’s management are related to Nortautas Luopas, the current Head of Consumer and Digital & Analytics, leaving the Company as of 30 June 2022 to continue his career overseas.
“These appointments demonstrate opportunities for people to grow within our organisation and ensure a strong pipeline of talents across the various structures of the Company. It is also in line with our commitment to the values of diversity, both in terms of internal careers, age, gender, different experiences or culture. A flatter corporate structure will also contribute to our strategic goals of providing the best service and support to...
Ress Life Investments A/S: Ress Life Investments A/S receives notice of policy pay-outs.
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Ress Life Investments Holbergsgade 14, 2 tv DK-1057 Copenhagen K Denmark CVR nr. 33593163
To: Nasdaq Copenhagen Date: 23 June 2022
Corporate Announcement 23/2022