Day: July 5, 2021
This disclosure is sent on behalf of a certain large shareholder in Ensurge Micropower ASA (the “Company”).
Reference is made to the announcement by the Company on 3 July 2021 regarding the approval of warrant exercises and the subsequent issuance of 293,779,503 new shares following registration in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. Due to the exercise of Warrants C and the issuance of new shares in the Company, a certain large shareholder discloses the following information pursuant to Section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Securities Trading Act Regulations.
Robert Napier Keith will be issued 85,833,333 shares by conversion of the equal amount of Warrants C. Following the conversion, the shareholding of Robert Napier Keith will represent 17.33% of the Company’s total number of outstanding...
Ensurge Micropower ASA – Disclosure of Large Shareholdings
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This disclosure is sent on behalf of a certain large shareholder in Ensurge Micropower ASA (the “Company”).
Reference is made to the announcement by the Company on 3 July 2021 regarding the approval of warrant exercises and the subsequent issuance of 293,779,503 new shares following registration in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. Due to the exercise of Warrants C and the issuance of new shares in the Company, a certain large shareholder discloses the following information pursuant to Section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Securities Trading Act Regulations.
Alden AS will be issued 40,833,333 shares by conversion of the equal amount of Warrants C. Following the conversion, the shareholding of Alden AS will represent 10.22% of the Company’s total number of outstanding shares, holding...
Ensurge Micropower ASA – Disclosure of Large Shareholdings
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
This disclosure is sent on behalf of a certain large shareholder in Ensurge Micropower ASA (the “Company”).
Reference is made to the announcement by the Company on 3 July 2021 regarding the approval of warrant exercises and the subsequent issuance of 293,779,503 new shares following registration in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. Due to the exercise of Warrants C and the issuance of new shares in the Company, a certain large shareholder discloses the following information pursuant to Section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Securities Trading Act Regulations.
Tigerstaden AS will be issued 35,083,333 shares by conversion of the equal amount of Warrants C. Following the conversion, the shareholding of Tigerstaden AS will represent 8.72% of the Company’s total number of outstanding shares,...
Ensurge Micropower ASA – Disclosure of Large Shareholdings
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
This disclosure is sent on behalf of a certain large shareholder in Ensurge Micropower ASA (the “Company”).
Reference is made to the announcement by the Company on 3 July 2021 regarding the approval of warrant exercises and the subsequent issuance of 293,779,503 new shares following registration in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. Due to the exercise of Warrants C and the issuance of new shares in the Company, a certain large shareholder discloses the following information pursuant to Section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Securities Trading Act Regulations.
Middelborg Invest AS will be issued 37,340,431 shares by conversion of the equal amount of Warrants C. Following the conversion, the shareholding of Middelborg Invest AS will represent 6.80% of the Company’s total number of outstanding...
MYM Shareholders Approve Plan of Arrangement with IM Cannabis
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MYM Nutraceuticals Inc., (CSE: MYM) (OTCBB: MYMMF) (“MYM” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that, at its special meeting (the “MYM Meeting”) of shareholders of MYM (“MYM Shareholders”), MYM Shareholders approved the plan of arrangement (the “Arrangement”) with IM Cannabis Corp. (“IMC”) originally announced April 1, 2021, pursuant to which, among other things, IMC will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of MYM (“MYM Shares”) for consideration of 0.022 of an IMC common share in exchange for each MYM Share held.
The Arrangement required approval by (i) 66 2/3% of the votes cast on the Arrangement resolution by the MYM Shareholders, represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the MYM Meeting (the “Corporate Law Approval”), and (ii) a simple...
Multitude SE reschedules the publication of its H1 and 9M reports
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Multitude SE reschedules the publication of its H1 and 9M reports
Helsinki, 5 July 2021 – Multitude SE (ISIN: FI4000106299, WKN: A1W9NS) (“Multitude” or the “Group”) has decided to reschedule the dates for the publication of the following reports:Multitude SE, Report for the first half of 2021
Ferratum Capital Germany GmbH, Report for the first half of 2021
Ferratum Bank p.l.c., Report for the first half of 2021
Multitude SE, 9M reportDate
Multitude SE: H1 report19.8.2021
Ferratum Bank p.l.c.: H1 report31.8.2021
Ferratum Capital Germany: H1 report18.11.2021
Multitude SE: 9M reportAbout Ferratum Group:
Ferratum Group is an international provider of mobile banking and digital consumer and small business loans, distributed and managed by mobile devices. Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Helsinki,...
Ultimovacs’ Announces Review Article Highlighting Telomerase-based Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines
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Oslo, 5 July 2021: Ultimovacs ASA (“Ultimovacs”) (OSE ULTI), a clinical stage leader in immune stimulatory vaccines for cancer, today announced the publication of a review of telomerase-based therapeutic cancer vaccines including the Company’s universal cancer vaccine, UV1. The article in Frontiers in Immunology examines the broad relevance of telomerase as an attractive cancer target and examines opportunities for optimizing anti-telomerase vaccine performance both by selecting appropriate cancer types and by analyzing the underlying limitations of current standard treatments.
The article focusses on the synergy between telomerase-based cancer vaccines and checkpoint inhibitors. In particular, it highlights areas within cancer treatment where clinical trials have shown that specific combinations of the two components are more...
Ultimovacs Announces Review Article Highlighting Telomerase-based Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
OSLO, Norway, July 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ultimovacs ASA (“Ultimovacs”) (OSE ULTI), a clinical stage leader in immune stimulatory vaccines for cancer, today announced the publication of a review of telomerase-based therapeutic cancer vaccines including the Company’s universal cancer vaccine, UV1. The article in Frontiers in Immunology examines the broad relevance of telomerase as an attractive cancer target and examines opportunities for optimizing anti-telomerase vaccine performance both by selecting appropriate cancer types and by analyzing the underlying limitations of current standard treatments.
The article focusses on the synergy between telomerase-based cancer vaccines and checkpoint inhibitors. In particular, it highlights areas within cancer treatment where clinical trials have shown that specific combinations...
Edf: EDF upgrades its nuclear output estimate in France for 2021
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Press release
5 July 2021 EDF upgrades its nuclear output estimate in France for 2021
In light of the good progress over the first half of 2021, EDF upgrades its annual nuclear output estimate for 2021 from 330-360TWh to 345-365TWh.
The output assumption for 2022 remains unchanged at this stage with a range of 330-360TWh.
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About EDF
As a major player in energy transition, the EDF Group is an integrated energy company active in all businesses: generation, transmission, distribution, energy trading, energy sales and energy services. EDF group is a world leader in low-carbon energy, having developed a diverse production mix based mainly on nuclear and renewable energy (including hydropower). It is also investing in new technologies...
Kaldalón hf.: Útgáfu nýrra hluta lokið
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Kaldalón hf. – útgáfu nýrra hluta lokið
Kaldalón hf. hefur í dag lokið við útgáfu nýrra hluta til sjóða í stýringu Stefnis og Vátryggingafélags Íslands í samræmi við tilkynningu frá 24. júní sl. Til viðbótar gaf félagið út hluti að nafnvirði kr. 40.000.000 til viðskiptavaka félagsins.
Samtals nemur útgáfan kr. að nafnverði, og fer fram á genginu kr. 1,3 fyrir hvern nýútgefinn hlut.
Nýir hluthafar hafa greitt andvirði áskrifta og verður hluthafaskrá uppfærð. Hlutafjárhækkun verður tilkynnt til og skráð af fyrirtækjaskrá Ríkisskattstjóra og nýir hlutir verða gefnir út af Nasdaq verðbréfamiðstöð. Verður heildarfjöldi hluta í Kaldalón hf. því kr. 4.700.801.306 að nafnverði með útgáfu nýrra hluta.
Heimild stjórnar til að hækka hlutafé félagsins er til samræmis við ákvörðun aðalfundar félagsins, haldinn þann 26. júní 2020,...